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A bag sat on a sofa. A green toothbrush sat in a toothbrush holder next to a light purple one. A pair of shoes sit by the door by a few larger pairs and one small pair. A shower runs as a teenager washes his body for the first time in months.

Jared had felt dirty ever since the incident, but taking a shower made him feel more clean. He felt like maybe it could wash away the guilt and disgust it brought upon him.

Thankful was an understatement for how Jared felt towards the men and the smol boy. He was beyond words for how much he was grateful towards them.

After he got out of the shower he dried off with a tan towel. He looked over at the counter and tears of happiness filled his eyes once he saw that his dirty clothes were replaced with a hoodie and jeans. Joy filled every part of his face as he put on the clothing. he looked at himself in the mirror, placing his glasses on his head.

The jeans were typical navy blue and the hoodie was...... sky blue....

That was Evan's favourite colour.

Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan...

As much as Jared would hate to admit it, he really missed Evan, but he knew that Evan was happy with Connor. He didn't need Jared there to hold him back. It's not like Evan ever payed attention to him.

Samuel Seabury-Lee was walking from his room to the kitchen to make Jared some food, the boy looked very thin. He suddenly heard sobs coming from the bathroom. Concern filled his gaze as he made his way to the door. He knocked,

"Are you decent?"

He heard a sound that was similar to yes so he opened the door. His big heart broke at the sight of Jared.

He was on his knees in a ball while the large hoodie sleeves that went past his hands that covered his face. He looked so innocent and vulnerable. Samuel kneeled and carefully wrapped his arms around the fragile boy, as if he was glass that was ready to shatter if you weren't cautious. Jared buried his face into the older man's chest as the tears kept falling to the floor.

"If you're comfortable, you may tell me what is wrong"

Samuel told Jared. Jared looked up at him and wiped his eyes, pulling away from the embrace.

"It... it's sky b-blue"

Samuel gave him a confused look. Jared sighed and explained.

"sky blue way his favourite colour... God, I miss him so much. I'm so dumb. I regret everything. If I had only told him sooner, then he would've never forgotten me. He would've loved me and I would've loved him. Now because of my cowardice he found someone else and he forgot about my entire existence. The only reason he noticed I was gone was because his precious boyfriend was sick and he had no one else to talk to. He doesn't even care. He's probably glad that I ran away. He's probably glad that I'm not there to screw everything up like I always do."

The tears were flowing once again and Jared was once again wrapped up in a set of protective arms. Samuel felt this fatherly love for the teen. He felt as if the boy must be protected. He had no clue what he had gone through, he had no clue what challenges he was facing, but he knew that he was going to try his best to make this boy feel like he was important and a part of a family, even is no one back home did.

Charles put the little Sam to bed and went to check up on Samuel and Jared. When he passed the bathroom he noticed the light was still on. He was going to turn it off until he saw Samuel and Jared asleep together on the floor. Jared had tear streaks on his face. He took an educated guess at what had happened. He went to the kitchen and made a snack for the two of them when they woke up.

Where did he go? {kleinsen} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now