Miracle and Hope

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November 17, 2011

Dear Mom, Dad, Papa, Mama and Lil Sis,

It's been 2 ½ months, since I made that stupidity of killing myself. Don't worry I am fine now, I just have scars on my left wrist and arm and my therapy is getting better. The Doctor who helped me was the same Doctor when I was 11, she is a nice old lady. Her name is Dr.Emma Roberts, sometimes she reminds me of Meryl Streep. Funny right? She just laughed at it and call me Silly Boy.

I also enjoy trick-or-treat, I am a zombie and Iris is a witch. I enjoyed giving sweets to kids. Bianca, I know you love sweets. Too much sweets though, results to cavities! So let's brush our teeth.

Everything is going steady, I gained weight. And my cheeks as Iris would say - "Your cheeks is turning into a Baby's cheeks" - and she will pinched it. It hurts, but if I made Iris smile because of that gesture, then I don't care about the pain of her pinching. Eddie, helped me to do a bit of workouts every weekends. You see, I have a bit of ABS now and muscles on my arms and legs. Don't worry I am not planning to have a body like Hulk Hogan. Neverrrr...... You know sometimes, Eddie would joke like "For a guy like you, your built is different. You have a bit of a curve like a girl." Honestly, I don't know if how would I react to that, should I take it as a compliment? But I am glad of Eddie's workout regimens every weekends and his brotherly advice. I can feel that my vigor is really returning, like what I used to when I was the Captain of Lacrosse. We also talk a lot about some shows and ways to tease Iris. Hahaha!

Since I missed University, me and Joe both agreed that I can go next year. He wants me to be 100 percent okay. I am really okay now. But, I understand Joe. He is just worried. Maybe, graduating at a very young age has it's perk after all, don't you think? I can have a year's worth of vacation! Oh, please don't worry that I will slack off. I will not. Pinky swear!

Remember when I told you guys that I might do a part-time job? Since I am still 16 Joe made arrangements like legalities and stuffs so I can work in minimal hours. Iris, helped me out to find one and I was lucky enough to be a singer at Jitter's. Thanks to Iris friend who is the manager and owner of the cafe. Isn't that great? I will sing there every weekends for 2 hours. My talents will not be gone to waste. To be honest I missed singing and dancing, makes me miss the warblers so much. I wonder what they were doing though, might be busy with college life. And by the way I will also assist in ASL schools for children every weekdays.

I am also doing a self-study in cooking! Youtube helps a lot. That's why when Joe goes home, he doesn't have to worry about dinner or even lunch and snacks. There is always food at home. Iris, sometimes jokes that I can be a good househusband in the future. Who knows? If I get married to a Billionaire, I might really turned into a househusband! I still also pester Joe to teach me Grandma Esther's special. But, he still refuses to teach it to me. It is fine. I understand. I give-up. I might just brood.

I am also so happy today, because I went to CCPD. I saw their CSI Lab! It is so cool! I am imagining myself working there in the future. Investigating crime scenes, working on a very hard case and the impossible! I also met Joe's Captain and Boss. He is a nice guy! His name is David Singh. I hope he will be my Boss in the future and it is my ultimate dream to work as a CSI.

I will mostly be busy this coming months! And christmas is a month and a half away. I need to save lots of cash.

I will be writing to you soon!

With so much Energy,
Barry your Bear

P.S. November is also my last month of therapy, since I am a good boy. Yay!

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