the one with berh

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not doing a lot of these

ok so i either added mistakes on purpose or originally left them as what i accidentally wrote because i memorized the keyboard.

majority was accidents tbh

"so how skilled r you!" asks coral as i swing my knife betweeneth my figers.

i smirk smugayly. "watch this". i saw walkers come out from theth trees and withdrAw my dagger. i kick the first one and it's head automaticolyl smushes. i did not know i was that powreful. wow!

i could feel beth looking at me rudely her eyes bur n omg  into my hed that botch did i mention i remind myself of stephanie from full hosue because how rude lol see

i knock down the next walker and stab it quickly then i stab the next
faster then carl can take out his gun

"where'd you learn that"! carlil exclaims in pure

i grin popping out my bubs a little bit through the cleavage exposed on my shirt, flipping my flawlessly straight blCk hair even after all the fighting over my cut out shoulders like daryls.

carl syares down i think we both know what he's STARRING at.

"i actUally rusher my self."

"you taught yourself?!!,,"


"you're reeallt tallented," complimanted carl

"no she's not." said berh

"SHUT UP BERH YOU BITCH YOU CUT FOR ATTENTION WE ALL KNOW UO FUCKED DORAL LAST SUNDAY " i snap. carl looks into my golden eyes with admiration.

berh runs away crying

"Thot was shane!!" corrects beg


berh runs away crying

i'm so savage i have a hat that says it ron from Alexandria gave it to me when we were five

"we should get back to thaprison,"
says me

carlilo grabs my arm "let's fuck instead"

i lost my virginity against a metal pole and my cum and vaginal fluids got stuck on it.

"i want action" Shane says and joins in


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