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You can't give love a specific term
The meaning of love is different from a person to the other

To someone it's maybe all about caring

to the other there is no love
Love exists only in books and movies it's a fairy tale it's a "trick" in short term

to someone else it's the comfort when you talk to him

To the other it's having someone that you are willing to do anything you can to make him happy to see a smile on his face

To me it's all of this combined with mutual actions and feelings
Giving and talking thing
But this doesn't mean that if something is missing that this isn't love
This will make both of you trying to make your love complete

And to those who don't believe in love
Just look around you and open your eyes
Love isn't exclusive for couples it could be the love of mother and her son
Brother and sister .....etc
So if you don't believe in it you just haven't found it yet......


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