Why do some people wanna die?
Some like you and i just wants to rest from the weight of the worldSome have surrendered to the idea that they can't fulfill their dreams not when everything is fighting them
Others have fulfilled there dreams and did everything they ever wanted so there's no point of being alive those are the lucky ones believe me and there's a chance that they will never exist
Adding to all the above some of us wants to die also to see their funeral to see who really loves them..... to see who's the loyal and who's not..... to see some regret the time they wasted without saying thay that love them ,that thay cared about them and that they are sorry
Seeing them regret not treating them well as they deserved
To know who really will miss me when they are gone
But of course no one knows if that's even possible as no one died and got magically resurrectedThey say when you want something you love it the most and aspire to it but when you get it you just lose interest in it but when you lose it you regret not benefiting every second you had it
I believe that's the way with human beings they hate each other and fight each other and even in the peaceful times they don't show their emotions but when death comes between them they regret it all and then express it all to a coffin
So why not say what you feel from the beginning?
You never know when one's time comes.