Have you ever seen anyone without a dream?
The answer is never
That's the most accurate answer I believe
Everyone around the world has something they desire, aspire to...
Whether it was a job or a position in society... EtcBut I'm hare to ask
What's a dream?
Why is it so important ?Dream is something you aspire
Something that keeps you always going on your way, keeps you alive.
I believe they can be those stars in the night's sky that all you can do is admire
But you never reachUnfortunately there are a few aroud the world who don't have dreams
Or more precisely who lost their dreamsNothing keeps them going besides they don't want to bring sadness to the hearts of their families and their loved ones
For me I thought I lost my dream
It was just blocked awayI'm the reason I lost it
I destroyed everything I had trying to keep it!I'm my own monster
They said "People don't get what they deserve. They just get what they get. There's nothing any of us can do about it."
But is there?
Can you really do something about it?I tired
Believe me i tried as hard as I can to hold on to this
It was my lifeBut it always gets worse never better...
Is it me?
Am I truly responsible for losing everything i had?
What should I do?