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It's been a couple months since everything has gone down with my relationship with my Bestfriend Paul. We were not cool considering the fact that I wrote a book about my life which exposed the truth about everything from Jason and I to Tia and her cheating ways. Paul was very upset because he didn't know half the stuff I wrote in my book, I mean he did but like he says I didn't make it clear to him when I had first hand proof on the information I was receiving from Alex.

We already were on bad terms considering that he felt some type of way about me and his homeboy talking, even though we broke up, he was still in his feelings. The funny thing is he was being the petty one and I tried many many times to get him to drop everything so we can go back on good terms but he always one worded me and didn't give a shit so I had quit trying.

After a month of this petty bull, I got a call from one of my old homeboys Steve. We were talking, and catching up on things when he told me Paul isn't in band anymore and that it has something to do with his health. Instantly I got on worry mode cause one thing about my Bestfriend, I honestly do care about his health and want nothing but good for him.

I decided to ignore his petty bullshit and text him asking about his health and to my fucking surprise he answered and told me what happened. I was mad as fuck cause it could've been worst and I had no idea cause he wanted to be petty and not talk to me. But after all that went down we were slowly returning back to normal.

Me: happy friendaversary Bestfriend. It's been a very eventful three years but I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. I really thought we were at an end a couple months ago but our ability to hop right back like nothing happened is A1. Love you Bestfriend.

Bestfriend😍👊🏽😘: aww best friend, I love you too. Happy Friendaversary.

Throughout the rest of the day I've been really considering telling him the truth about Jason but it's our friendaversary and I don't want to ruin the moment but I don't think I can wait any longer. We've just got over a stumbling block and like now that we're on perfectly good terms I want to clear the air.

Me: I have something important to tell you, when you have time.

Bestfriend😍👊🏽😘: go for it

I stared at the text contemplating on how I was going to type this without it sounding so bad. I know he's going to be mad sucks for ruining our day but it's only right, I hate lying.

Me: So remember when I told you about Jason and I and all the shit you found out. Well not all was true. Jason had a motive to try and break our friendship apart and he forced me to tell you all those lies. Basically he used my past against me and threatened to you know... if I didn't follow what he said. We never had sex, I never had a pregnancy scare, I've never had sex willingly period. That's why when you read my book and was upset when you found out Jason and I fucked I was being very nonchalant about it because it wasn't the truth but I couldn't say anything cause he would go about his threat.

I sent it and I know he read it but he didn't respond meaning he was upset. I felt bad because I was forced to lie all this time. The many times I felt like telling him the truth Jason would know, he had my passwords to everything.. he was that determined to break Paul and I up.

Jason had me participate in a threesome once and I had to tell Paul about that and he was very upset about it I didn't understand why but he had hit me with that reverse psychology "ok so let me go do the same shit with my ex then." I officially decided to end the argument there cause not only did he not know the truth, but that reverse psychology shit he just did made me feel some type of way so I understood why he felt like that.

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