Chapter 17

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It's been a hard day at work today, I just got the news that my original boss passed away and it's taken a toll on me. My kids were crying and they seen me cry, so they all came and gave me a hug. My boss been working at that elementary school as a child care professional for over twenty years, she was a very tough, and an annoying ass boss, but if she really liked you and seen your potential, she would always look out for you.

I'm lost for words right now and I'm trying to cope everything, I'm still not speaking to Paul right now and I wish I were because I would love to vent to him about this but I'm still upset. I laid in bed just thinking about everything from the Paul situation, to my situation at work. Who's going to be the director at my job now and who's going to be assistant, I applied for the assistant position before my boss died because I wanted to move up in the company. We already have an assistant director, and I love her she's really cool, but why miss out on the opportunity to move up.

It's literally 4 in the morning and I have to be up by 6 but I decided to just dead everything right then and there so I can call it a night.

Me: Hey, I know its late but I been up thinking about a whole lot and honestly Iv've been even more upside down after finding out that my boss passed away yesterday morning . But anyway I understand I been a little harsh and aggy asf these past couple days and I was only doing that because of how I recieved the information honestly. I only kept arguing because it felt as if you were more focused on how I found out. I just wished that you told me whether it was before or after the fact thats all I cared for. I wasn't trying to make it a big thing trust me I have my reasons for acting like this, Im not doing it just for the fun of things.

That's the only way I could dead the issue with out being so uptight again, I was honest and that's all that matters. I locked my phone and got comfortable so I can get some rest before I had to wake up for work again.


Bestfriend😍👊🏾😘: Your boss died... wow Im sorry about that.. thats crazy af. And it didn't seem like you were trust me, you were very, very apparent and I felt every inch of it but I'm used to it because thats how you are tbh. I'll get over it. But I understood the core of the issue I just felt like a lot of it couldve been avoided but I know what to do now so yea. Like I apologized for the 5th time, Im sorry for not telling you

I dont understand what he meant by that first part of saying that he's used to it because thats just how I am and that he'll get over it. What did I do to have you feeling some type of way? What did I say that was so offensive that wasnt the truth that had you feeling some type of way? Man its whatever at least he was right towards the end.

Me: You're right , I'm sorry I couldve handled this a different way but I was upset and the more we talked about it the more piseed off I became so yea my fault.

We continued to hash out the problem until it was completelt dead.

Bestfriend😍👊🏾😘: Can you do me a favor though, your friend is also Tia's best friend. I mean I don't mind you telling her things but you do know every thing you say goes back to Tia like she tells her stuff. I don't like my business floating around to anybody not just her though cause I hear it from other people as well.

huh? What is he talking about who else does he hear this shit from, I barely talk to Alex and when I do it's very breif, I don't go into detail or anything but I'm not surprised because Alex did have her moments where she told Tia things that she wasn't suppose to.

Me: Ok I'll talk to her and see wassup with her

Bestfriend😍👊🏾😘: Thank you best friend, I'm just sick of the drama its stupid we all adults... kinda

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