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Levy yelled down the hallway, sadly, getting no reply. Gajeel sighed in frustration, Gray doing the exact same.

"Where the hell did Natsu run off to?!"


They all froze and spun on their heels.

"Was that Natsu- There he is!"

Gajeel called out as he saw Natsu run past them and down another hallway. They quickly ran after them, catching up with him a few seconds after. They ran and ran, after the hot headed Dragneel. Eventually they arrived at-


"Does anyone have any objections to this marriage? If so, speak now and forever hold your peace."

The Priest asked, the crowd shaking their heads. Suddenly, the doors opened and four people walked in.


Natsu yelled as he walked up to the alter. Lucy stared at him, tears swelling up in her eyes.


"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Sting erupted, turning away from Lucy and to Natsu, who smirked the entire time. He crossed his arms and sighed.

"I would think that even someone as oblivious as YOU would know why I'm here."

Natsu retorted, making Sting mad. Gray chuckled and Levy smiled, Gajeel along with her. Sting twitched then turned back to Lucy.

"Lucy, my dear, let's ignore these imbeciles and continue with the wedding."

Sting suggested, nodding to the Priest.


Lucy... 0///0 I can tell she's on the verge of tears... Is she happy? Or sad? Sting still wants to go through with this? Why would he... UGH! I can't focus! Lucy's hair was tied into two pigtails with bows, a flower barrette was holding her veil in place. It was a light red, but dark pink. There was just enough makeup to continue showing her best facial features. She had a beautiful white dress on that reached beyond her feet, trailing behind her with a golden outline. All the designs were made of gold strips as well, making her dress even more gorgeous. She had a white choker on, along with a- Wait, has she always worn that? It was a golden necklace with a star charm. It makes her chocolate brown eyes pop out, even more than they already do. There were little flowers and stars scattered among the dresses designs, but they stuck out much more than the others did, so I noticed them first too. No matter how many times I look at her, I can never get used to how-0///0

"Do you, Sting Eucliffe, take Lucy Heartfilia as your wife?"

"I do."


"And do you, Lucy Heartfilia, take Sting Eucliffe as your husband?"


"Don't you dare say it! I-If you say it, then I'll get mad!"

I yelled, knowing nothing else to say. 0///0 I couldn't think of anything else than that, but I know-

"You couldn't think of anything else, could you? Ha, however, I have no intention in saying those words to anyone, especially not Sting. So..."

Lucy smiled and jumped-




Natsu yelled as Lucy jumped off the alter and onto Natsu. They both fell to the ground, Natsu holding Lucy so she wouldn't get injured.

"Thank you!"

Lucy cried out, clinging tightly onto Natsu, most likely not wanting to let go too soon. Gray sighed, Levy squealed, and Gajeel scoffed. Natsu stared at the ceiling in shock, he had never been... hugged by anyone other than his parents and little sister. Lucy tightened her grip as she cried into the crook of Natsu's neck. Hearing her soft cries, Natsu regained focus and looked at her from the side. He hesitated at first, but wrapped his arms around her, and held her tight, pulling her closer to him. Close enough to the point of Natsu being engulfed in her sweet smell. Lucy was confused for about thirty seconds, but smiled and accepted it nevertheless. She continued crying and holding Natsu tight, as the crowd and Sting watched the two of them embrace on the ground.0///0

"I've had enough of this! LUCY! Get off of him, immediately!"


Suddenly, confusing me, Lucy's cries ceased and she stopped moving whatsoever. But after processing the voice... I knew why she froze up like that. She slowly sat up, still on ME, but yeah. She wiped her tears and turned her head to the front of the room. (A full 90 degree turn...)


Lucy spat at Jude Heartfilia...

"He's in the way! This is for the good of the-"

"Company, I know! But to hell with that bullshit company! And to hell with you and your rules! I'm not yours to control! I am my own person!"

"See? There she goes again, standing up for herself, it's something she doesn't do at school, is it?"

No... Hey, Elizabeth? Can I ask you something?

"Sure, shoot."

What is this feeling? Why did I feel so weird when I hugged her back? And, why did I hug her in the first place?

"Because, dummy, isn't it obvious? You called Sting oblivious, and yet you can't even tell what your feelings are."

Shut up...

"Father! I don't even like Sting in the slightest! And you expect me to marry the bastard!? It's bullshit! Hell! I'd rather marry Natsu than him!"

0////0 HUH?! WHAT?!

"Don't you dare say that Lucy! He is a Dragneel!"

.....A Dragneel...?

"What's it matter to you?!"

"I know how that boy can be! Hell! I probably know him better than you do Lucy!"

"What the hell is he talking about?"

I heard Gray whisper to Levy, who shrugged.

"What do you mean Father?"

"I mean... Lucy, believe me when I tell you this, but that boy is dangerous, very dangerous. I wouldn't trust him for a minute. He made an enemy of the Heartfilia company the moment he met... HER."

Who the hell.. does this guy... think he is...?!

"You can't even say her name! You have no right to be criticizing me, when you're no better Jude!"


Natsu jumped up and yelled at Jude. He had always felt that way about him... He never liked him, never trusted him. Not one bit.

"You're the one who got her killed. You could've saved her, but you didn't-"

"I-I couldn't! I just... couldn't.."

Natsu trailed off as his head dropped. Lucy switched between staring at her father then at Natsu.

"The police may have called it a random killing, but I know for a fact that you were the one to get my daughter killed."

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