Imagine What It Would Be Like(END)

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Sting was hauled away by police and everyone else was questioned. Lucy and Natsu, however, didn't allow themselves to be questioned separately. Lucy still clung to Natsu, who was completely unaware of his own... let's just say his own recovery. Even though they all knew, everyone was too confused and perplexed to fully comprehend how Natsu was doing. Even Elizabeth, and Gray... and Gajeel, and Levy. Lucy noticed, but chose not to say anything, she was too happy to ruin the moment.

"Alright, you kids are free to go. Next time, don't get caught up with someone like Sting Eucliffe, alright? Men like that are dangerous."

"No kidding."

Muttered Natsu under his breath, receiving a look from the officer.

"What'd you say kiddo?"

Natsu shook his hands in front of his face, shaking his head.

"No! Nothing Officer, I was just saying that I'm relieved that none of my friends were hurt."

The officer nodded in agreement then sent the two lovebirds back outside. Lucy walked slowly, behind Natsu, following his feet. Natsu knew this and started gradually slowing down to her speed. He now walked beside her, her hand in his, both smiling intensely.

"Lucy! Natsu! Over here!"

Elizabeth called out, waving her hand at Natsu and Lucy, getting their attention. The two of them walked over and joined their friends.

"Natsu. I know this is going to ruin the mood, I guess. But, you've recovered from being crazy. And that also means-"

"No more you. Isn't that right Elizabeth?"

Natsu continued, Elizabeth nodding in return. Lucy smiled and walked up to Elizabeth.

"It was nice to meet you. Big Sis."

With that, Elizabeth smiled, tears forming, as her body slowly disappeared.

"Thanks. For showing me a great time everyone."

Natsu watched as his childhood friend disappeared before his very eyes. This was it. His final moments with Elizabeth.

Two years later, they all graduated from high school, got jobs, got married, had kids. Well, most of them anyway. Natsu and Lucy were the LATE bloomers.

"Natsu! Come here for a second! John needs some help."


Natsu ran into the room, and over to Lucy and John, two of his coworkers. Kind of... John was a 'coworker' but Lucy was... well....

"What's the problem?"

"John can't find his boxing gloves."

Natsu sighed and looked around.

"How'd you loose them anyway?"

"I don't know, I put them in my locker this afternoon, before the lunch break and now they're not there anymore."

John replied. Natsu stopped and smiled.

"Lucy, pull up the footage, will you?"

"Sweetie, I always knew you were smart. On the inside."

Natsu scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Was that supposed to be an insult? Darling?"

Lucy chuckled then did as instructed. Natsu walked back over to the computer and scanned over the footage of the last hour and a half.

"See, look there. Someone stole them, they broke into your locker, took the boxing gloves then ran off."

"Okay... I don't see anyone Natsu."

Lucy stated, no one being on the screen.

"Look closer. You'll see that the locker door just barely opens then closes right back up again."


John joined in. Natsu smiled and stood up straight, crossing his arms once again.

"Someone tried to edit it out. Someone messed with the footage, but of course, there will always be some sort of evidence that points to them."

"Yeah, but who did it and why would they do it? No offense, but they're just old boxing gloves."

Lucy asked. John nodded and looked at Natsu.

"Micheal did it. He's always showed signs of jealousy towards John, hasn't he? John is a skilled fighter, and so is Micheal, but Micheal thinks that he isn't good enough and thinks that John is so MUCH better than him."

Lucy snapped.

"That's because we're always praising John, and not Micheal! Oh... oops. Guess this is kind of our fault, isn't it Natsu?

Natsu nodded and Lucy sighed. The two of them apologized to John, then got Micheal, who then admitted to taking the gloves and gave them back. I'm 50% sure that you've guessed it by now, but...

Natsu Dragneel- Head Officer of the Dragneel Boxing Gym, and business.

Lucy Dragneel- Also the Head Officer of the Dragneel Boxing Gym, and business.

A year ago, Natsu gathered up the courage to ask Lucy Heartfilia to marry him after only dating for a year. It was quite a big step for him. It was also announced on TV, since their company had already existed before they got engaged. Ironically, Sting's cell has a TV and he saw the whole thing.. and boy did he get mad. So, that's how this story ends. It was sad, but happy at the same time, well for me anyway. I know this isn't like most books you've read, since I, the author, am the one reading it to you. It's kind of my point of view, I guess. Either way, I am glad you stuck with me for this hellish adventure.




"That's her new book? Wow.. It IS different from any other book I've read before. Lucy is amazing. Lucilia Ashley Heartake. It may be a weird name, but damn she writes really good books. That would suck if it actually happened to someone, not the vanishing sister part, but everything else yeah."

"No kidding! I am in love with all of her books. She is the best author ever! I mean, yeah this, sadly is only one of her very few books. But man, this girl is incredible."

"Yeah, I agree. I never imagined a book with such a cute title... would end up like this. I mean, the main character goes crazy. It was kind of short too, most of the books I've read had over twenty chapters. But, still, it was pretty good."

I never imagined it, but... I wrote that story as I wanted it to go, not how it actually went. It was fantasy and half made up, but I would call it a true story. Those things happened, most of them anyway. I never use my real name while writing... because I never want to admit it...

"Lucy! Get your pretty ass out here now!"

My full name... is Lucy Ashley Eucliffe. I ended up marrying Sting, Elizabeth was only in Natsu's head... the worst part is... Natsu was... Sting k-killed Natsu that night. Though, he was never sentenced, he escaped the trial and lived on, with me as his forced to be wife. I never asked for it to go this way, but it did. I can't change what happened. I can only imagine what it would be like if it happened that way. And no matter how much I think about it, my answer never changes. The only man I have ever loved, was the one who risked everything to save me, to help me escape Sting. The man I love is Natsu Dragneel.

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