The Mysterious Heartfilia Daughter And The Heartless Prince

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"Come on Natsu! You know you wanna!"

"No I don't, really. Leave me alone Liz."

13 year old Elizabeth Heartfilia whined as her best friend turned away from her, and continued reading his book. She fell onto the seat next to him and read his book from over his shoulder, breathing heavily into his ear.. on purpose. After about thirty seconds, Natsu tightened his grip on his book and clenched his teeth.

"Could you stop that Liz? I'm trying to read here!"


With that, she left the room and went downstairs and out the door. In fact, the book Natsu was reading was a certain one. He was studying for the entrance exams for high school, and they were that day in a few hours, so he was cramming everything into his head one last time. However, he didn't feel good about passing, for that day was a tragedy for the Dragneel's and the Heartfilia's.

"Alright, we will begin the exams in about five minutes, please if you haven't already, sign in at the table."

Natsu took a deep breath, but was interrupted when his phone started going off. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw it was-

"Liz? I'm kind of busy-"

"I know! I'm sorry! But I need your help! P-"

"Could it wait? I'm about to take the exam."

"No! It's can wait! Help-"

"Alright, please follow me into the waiting room everyone."

"Liz, I gotta go, see ya later."

Then he hung up... he didn't find this fact out until after it had already happened, but the thing she needed help with was two guys chasing her down an alley with knifes in their hands... even though she ran as fast as her legs could possibly go... sadly, she wasn't able to get away. Natsu was notified after the exams were over and done with. Jude had called him that day, and explained what had happened. As soon as Jude said that she called him. Natsu immediately knew that that was the reason behind needing help. He was overcome with grief and regret. Sorrow and anger. And many other emotions... mainly despair. He didn't say anything about it to her, but he was harboring feelings for her since two weeks after they had first met. She was kind and caring, temperamental, but calm, strict but laid-back, annoying but fun to be around. She was just that kind of girl. She always made him smile, no matter the situation. However, he knew she wouldn't be able to do that on that day. He knew he would never smile like he did with her to anyone else.

"Elizabeth... I'm so sorry! I should've believed you! I shouldn't have hung up on you like that! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Forgive me!"

He cried out every night for the next three months, depression consuming his mind, body, and soul all together. He had no control over what he did... Sadly, he even got involved with a few illegal things, but he never seemed to really care about any of it. Jude never forgave him, after he was told what she had said to Natsu and what he had said right back to her. He never thought that something so happy could be taken away from him by two robbers. Actually, he never understood... how... she died. He was never told. All he was told was that she was found dead in an alley, and that two witnesses were found, claiming that she was running from two men with knifes, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Why..? Why did that have to happen to you? Why did I have to be like that? Why did any of this happen?"

Natsu would ask himself that question... constantly. However, no matter how many times he thought about it or asked himself that same question, he never came up with an answer. Never. Even now, he is still clueless as to what really happened. Now... that the father of his first love has once again appeared before him, the memories of her came flooding back into his mind. Memories that were locked far back in his brain.


"Hey Dragneel? Can I ask you something?"

"You already did."

7 year old Elizabeth sighed and nudged his shoulder playfully. Natsu sighed and turned towards her, closing his book and putting beside him on the blanket.

"Let's play a game, please? I'm getting bored! All you do is read and reading is boring!"

"Not to me it isn't. What I don't understand is how you don't like to read, that's what confuses me."

Elizabeth tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"You're a lot smarter than any other second grader I know, how are you so smart?"

Elizabeth asked him, making him give her a subtle glare. She sighed and then looked away.

"Fine then, don't answer a simple question like that one. Anyway, I gotta get going! See ya Dragneel!"

With that she got up and ran off, leaving Natsu alone on the picnic blanket he brought to sit and read on. Elizabeth had walked up to him and started talking to him for an unknown reason, well unknown to him at least. (You guys probably already know...) After that day, this happened...

"Hey Heartfilia, do you have a second?"

Natsu asked Elizabeth as he approached her while she was talking with her three friends, who all giggled and looked away.

"Yeah, sure, what for?"

"That question you asked me the other day... It's because my parents make me study third and fourth grade stuff... I don't really know why, but they do."

"Really?! No joke? My parents do that to me too! Ha! That's a coincidence."

She giggled out, surprisingly, making Natsu... blush a little. He never understood what it was, and I bet he still doesn't but... it was something that irritated him so much at first... he ignored it completely. Sadly, the more he got to know her, the stronger that feeling got. He couldn't handle it... and it only happened when he was in the presence of Elizabeth. So his decision was to ignore her too, but of course, that didn't last very long. What he also knew, was that Elizabeth had a little sister... but didn't know her name nor what she looked like.(Lucy was 6, Elizabeth was 7, Lucy is a year younger than both Liz and Natsu.)

"Let's be friends? Best friends! Forever and ever!"

"Yeah, best friends."

However, nothing lasts for forever... All things end eventually, and their friendship ended much sooner than it had been expected to.

Princess Popular and Prince Heartless ~NaLu~Where stories live. Discover now