The Next Call

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Whatever you want to call it.

It's hell to deal with, no matter who it is that's dealing with it.

However, inside that hell, is always a spark.

That spark needs and must be fanned into a flame.

If not, then everything will crash down on top of you and the ones you love.

I never understood what it meant to have real friends, not until Natsu helped me realize it.

He walked up to me and only gave me a stack of paper, nothing more, nothing less, but the look in his eyes showed me something I never thought I'd get to see in someone.

The look of someone who was lonely and needed someone to talk to, so I volunteered for that job, and became his friend.

Not many people talked to him either way, but I added myself to the short, short list.

Lil' Girl.

It's what they always called me.

I wasn't the tallest as a kid, but... Did that ever give them permission to do what they did to me?

No. It didn't.

Even if it was my...

Never mind me. Let's focus on the fact that STING is threatening my sister and friend. Alright? That sound good to you? I'm glad it does.

Natsu's POV

Why can't I think of anything? It's frustrating. I can't even say anything to Lucy or anyone, cause I'm CRAZY! I can't believe I got Lucy caught up in all of this with me. She was suffering way more than I was and I just let it happen. Pathetic. Doesn't matter which way you look at it.

Nope, it doesn't. You're right. But, you're also wrong, she was suffering, but not the same way you were. She was suffering from something far worse. Much, much worse than going crazy. Pointing that out to you.

I know, but I still couldn't do anything, so...

You couldn't do anything because you are weak.(I would never actually say that btw.)

I'm weak? Yeah, I guess you're right. I lost to the craziness inside of me. Now, what? Lucy and the others have seen you and now they want to help. But... Sting, he's-

Don't worry about Sting, we'll take care of him. Just lay back and let us do the work, okay Natsu? Trust me when I say this, Lucy is not one to be taken lightly.

Of course. I know that already. Just, be careful alright? He's Sting, he's got tons of people under his foot. He's high on the board, with us catching up fast.

No doubt about that one Flame Brain.

Flame Brain? You know that only Gray can call me that, right? You should know all of this by now. You've been in my head long enough to know that there are nicknames that only certain people can call me by.

I know, I know. Flame Brain just kind of slipped out, sorry.

No One's POV

Natsu was put back into bed as the others gathered around. Gray was the first to speak.

"Okay, so how are we supposed to find Sting? All we know is that he's crazy for Lucy and that he wants Natsu dead and out of the way, permanently."

Lucy nodded in agreement then looked at Elizabeth.

"Alright, so first we need to find out if anyone has seen him recently. If no one has, which is highly impossible, then we go back to square one and I'll think of something else. For the time being though, we need to focus on getting Natsu the hell outta this place, it isn't safe anymore. Gray, Gajeel, I'll leave that up to you two, got it? Lucy and the rest of you, you're with me."

Sting's POV

Do they honestly thing that they'll find people who will ACTUALLY tell them if they've seen me or not? It's idiotic. Natsu is as good as dead. And Lucy... is as good as mine. This game isn't even a game anymore, it's more like me playing with some old useless puppets.

"Master. You have a phone call waiting for you in the hall."

"Yes, of course, I'll be right there."


'Yo Sting, I pronounced it right, right? I'd feel bad if I pronounced the name wrong of the guy who wants to marry my sister without her consent AND kill my friend, but... then again. I wouldn't feel bad if I did either.'

"Elizabeth. I see you figured out my number."

'Yeah. Questioning people isn't that hard, but getting the real info outta them, is a bit harder and needs more effort. Which, I happen to put in.'

"Why did you call me?"

'Isn't it obvious? You think Natsu is crazy, lying in bed... but sorry to say that with me out and Lucy trying to help. It's helped him a ton. So, don't be surprised if the next call you get is from him, m'kay?'

"Next call? I doubt it, you'll all be dead by then, there is no SECOND call. Not for your little group."

'Oh really? You think so? How stupid of you. You're underestimating us too much Sting. I know where you are, how you are planning to kill Natsu, I know your personal number. Lucy is in the other room, but I'm pretty sure she knows what I'm about to tell you.'

"And that would be?"

'Wait a minute, hold on.'

Silence enveloped the hall as Elizabeth's voice faded away. Sadly, another one came into the call.

'Lucy isn't yours to have Sting. I won't let you lay a finger on her, you hear me you bastard? I will protect her, even if that means letting you kill me.'

"Natsu... I see you're alright?"

'No, not exactly, he's still pretty weak, but he's able to speak now, not that anyone else knows. Just me and Natsu.'

Elizabeth again.

"Why is that? Shouldn't you tell someone else? It's bad to keep secrets."

'Sorry, but some secrets are better left unsaid.'


"She hung up?! How dare she? Ugh! I'll kill her right alongside that idiotic bastard, Natsu."

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