Crazy In Love

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(Sorry that this one is so short, I'll make a longer one. But I couldn't have what I wanted in this chapter.)

"Wait, you two know each other- Wait! You're daughter?! But-"

"You're not my only daughter- well you are now thanks to this boy."

Lucy stared at Natsu in confusion and disbelief. Sadly, something popped into her head and she blurted out the following name...

"Elizabeth! You mean her don't you? But, I don't think she actually-"

"Lucy, trust me please, stay way from this boy. He got your sister killed."

"How did I do that?! Yes, I admit I should've done something rather than hang up on her, but how is it my fault?!"

Jude scoffed and then crossed his arms.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten."


Jude's face then shifted to a surprised one.

"They never told you?"

"Told me what?! What the hell are you talking about old man!?"

Jude sighed and glared at Natsu.

"The men chasing my daughter that night, new she was involved with you... and since they were after the Dragneel's in the first place, they thought it'd be a good idea to go after a friend of yours. They were after your fortune, not her. It wasn't random."

Natsu froze after hearing the truth. Lucy's eyes fell and she closed her eyes after.

"Are you being serious..?"

Natsu asked Jude in disbelief, who nodded with his eyes closed. Gray sighed and walked over to Natsu-


"Shut up!"

Gray was shocked and took two steps back. Suddenly, Natsu squatted down and held his hands over his ears.

"Stop talking..!"

Gray then realized that he wasn't talking to him... not at all... he was talking to the thing that he noticed earlier that day... He started hearing her voice in his head, and no one else could hear her. He couldn't do anything but chat with her inside his head, nor could he block her out.


"Stop crying so much Natsu."

I'm not... Why are you in my head? Why not someone else?!

"Isn't it obvious? I am here because of the way I died. They wanted YOU. They wanted to kill YOU. Not ME. And yet I was the one who DIED. How come? Do you know why? Because I was your friend. That's why. They had been watching you from the beginning and saw me with you almost all the time, so they came after me just to get to YOU. Do you know what that means? You started hearing me after Sting announced that Lucy was a Heartfilia, which means Lucy was the lever that triggered everything, she is something like I was to you. You have an unknown feeling towards her, do you not? It's the same feeling you had towards me, right? You know what that feeling is. So, don't say you don't. You don't want to admit it, that's all it is."

Shut... up..! I don't....-

"Natsu?! Hey, answer me! Are you okay?!"

She sounds so worried...

"Because she is Natsu, you should know that much at least."

"Natsu! Answer me damn it! Shit, someone call 911!"

I'm crazy, aren't I?

"From now on? I'm not sure. We'll find out soon enough."


"What happened?"

"We don't know! He just fell to his knees and was covering his ears as if he could hear something we couldn't! Please, you have to help him!"

Help me..? Why?

"You aren't healthy Natsu, you know this. There is another reason why you're Prince Heartless. It's not that you don't have a heart, it's that the one you DO have is weak, very weak. That's why you can never handle that one feeling. However, when you do, it never ends well. It's happened before with me, remember? Now it's happening with Lucy. I know you don't like it, but I doubt that you have long..."

Great... I'm dying... Now what..?

"Nothing, you are both in bad condition physically, and mentally. I mean, why else can you hear me? You are.. from now on... crazy. Natsu Dragneel."


"No... Please, tell me it's not true. He can't be dying... He can't be."

Is that.. Lucy? Yes, wake up Natsu. Open your eyes. Look at her... You must open your-

"Open your eyes! Please, open them up Natsu! I need to..."

Why'd she stop? Is she... crying? And why can't I open my eyes..?

You must do it Natsu, for her sake. She's crying for you. Open them.


"Natsu! Oh my god! Are you okay? Do you feel okay? Are you in... um pain? I don't..."

Lucy trailed off as I stared up at her... Why is she crying so much...?

Natsu thought. He didn't know what to do, but his arm moved on it's own... He reached up and wiped away stray tears that were streaming down her face. She froze and stared down at him as his eyes slowly lifted.

"Natsu? What's wrong?"

"Why're you crying?"

Lucy smiled and placed her hand over his.

"You know why."

Princess Popular and Prince Heartless ~NaLu~Where stories live. Discover now