Holding On

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Pranita :

"Guys, pack your bags! We will be reaching the station soon", our group leader called. I had already done it.

Everyone else went to their respective seats leaving me and Varun alone. Alas! I had time to say sorry to him.

"Varun, I am sorry, for last night. I dozed off even after knowing you had nowhere to sit. Really, really sorry. And also for today morning. I am such a jerk." I spilt my words out avoiding his eyes.

"no, don't be sorry. It was okay. However later I went to Sid and Tammy's place"he said, spinning the mobile in his hands.

"listen na.. Yesterday you were telling about your relatio... "

" Heyy Varun! Can you please come here to help me? This bag is really heavy" Tammy's voice interrupted my question.

"yea, I am coming. Heyy prani, hope you don't mind me calling you that, could you please hold this? I will be back in a minute" and he went handing me his mobile.

Reluctantly, I reached for the phone's power button and saw the wallpaper.
It was a photo of them, him and Samira.

God! He still likes her! Even after knowing that there's no chance for him. Why? Why is he still holding on?
Wait a second, Akshay too has a girlfriend. They seem happy together and I clearly don't have any chance with him, we hardly meet but still I like him till date. No doubt in that. Then why today, when I see the same thing happening with Varun, I thought he should move on?

"guys, the next hault is ours, get to the doors quick!" I heard someone shouting.

Wondering about my thoughts, I took my luggage and got out of the train.
The weather was sunny and hot. However, the humid climate complimented the climate very well.

We got into the bus which would finally take us to our first campsite. The bus journey was fun(as always). We sang and danced all through our way. No doubt, Varun, Sid, Tammy and Justin were the best entertainers and yes, dancers.

We reached our first campsite which, unlike our expectations, was a hotel. Whatever, we passed out just after landing on bed.

The next day, we started hiking our way up through the mountains. Slowly, we made our way through the woods and thickets. As we went higher, we could see the snowy peaks peeping between the two green mountains. They looked so heavenly. In a sudden moment, wind would cover them with clouds, like playing hide and seek. After a minute or two they would showcase themselves again as if challenging us to soar them. I kept looking at them, hypnotized.

"beautiful, aren't they?"Varun came from behind.

"yea, yea they are so great. You know touching the sky, but still allowing everyone to be on top of them"

"haha! You know what I think while watching them? That they are challenging us to climb them" Varun said.

I looked at him at once. He was saying exactly what I thought. EXACTLY SAME! I looked at him for a while. He, on the other hand, was looking at the peaks, as if experiencing them.

We went to the place where our other group members were seated.

"Do you all know that we have to climb this whole mountain today!?"Justin exclaimed pointing towards the woods.

"I can't yaa.. My feet are aching af." Radha said.

"don't worry Radha! We will be up there soon",Varun said sitting beside her.

"oh guys! Why are you wailing! Just imagine the scenario we will get when we are on top!!" I exclaimed.

"she is right guys. Now come on! We have to reach up before it's dark." Joe came to control the situation.

And so we continued...

Heyy all!! Hope you are liking the story. Don't forget to vote and comment your further predictions. 😉

What do you all think about Radha and all the fellow trekkers..?? 😏

Next chapter on next Wednesday.✌️✌️

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