Pranita's Reaction..

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Pranita :
Radha's first crush was Varun!

It took me a while to get back to my senses. When I heard about Radha and her crush, I was.. I was lost. Meera was looking at me expecting a reaction but I just couldn't, couldn't give any.

My best friend Radha was in love, madly in love for the first time with the guy whom I loved as well.

I turned around and walked towards my tent. Varun was standing near it. I just walked towards him and without any emotion on my face walked passed him. He was looking at me,confused. He said something I was unable to hear. Or didn't want to hear.

I went into my tent and started crying. I hated when my emotions and feelings convert into tears. But they did this time. I remembered this morning...

Things were running smooth. I was with Varun, who equally liked me. We both having nice bonding time...
Radha confessing her love for Varun... That shock! That wave of guilt and anger racing through my mind..


I need to find a solution. I can't just sit here and cry.
I got up! Cleaned my face and came to a conclusion!

I had decided what to do!

I went out. Everyone was having a good time. Playing cards, some of them trying out their photography skills and others lying around in their tents. Meera was no where to be seen.

I joined Radha with playing cards. We played and laughed. After sometime, I saw Varun coming towards us.

"okay guys! I'm out now." I said.

"oh Prani! You can't leave the game incomplete"

Some things are meant to be left incomplete, I thought in my mind.
Varun came and stood beside me.

"don't worry! Varun will play instead of me, won't you Varun?" I said, turning towards him but barely able to look into his eyes.

He nodded looking at me, confused. Then whispered," well I can do anything you ask for!"

Ignoring his comment, I said,"here,have a seat beside Radha!"

He sat down looking at me. I saw Radha's face, beside him, turning red. She thanked me. Then I looked at Varun. He whispered ' what are you doing?' I ignored all of that and started walking in the opposite direction.

It was a while now, I was sitting in the food tent,the one where we gathered for lunch and dinner. The one where this morning I and Varun sat, holding hands and promising about our future.

The future which now had no value, no existence because of me. I was the one asking him to stay forever but little did I know that this forever will not even last a day. It was all because of me. I was playing with his heart as well. But.. But, Radha was a great girl, better than me for sure. If Varun gets to know her, he will also start liking her... I hope so.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was being a big moron and convincing myself that the decision I took is right. It is   bloody not right. But that is what it is. I will not turn back now.

I was crying sitting in the corner when Varun entered.
"Prani! Prani where were you....
Wait. Are you crying? Why are you crying?" he said coming towards me "Prani, please don't cry. What happened? Tell me. We will solve it together."

I wiped my tears, got up and said," sorry Varun! It's none of your business!" and started to get out of the tent when he grabbed my hand.

"none of my business! Do you know how sad I am feeling right now! Seeing you cry is the worst feeling for me Prani. Please, please tell me what happened."

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