Varun Or Akshay?

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No... No! I can't fall for Varun as well. Akshay is my one and only crush. How can I like anyone else!

I felt like I am not being loyal to both of them as well as to myself. I was going through a Rollercoaster of emotions. Mixed feelings of guilt, confusion, frustration, love were racing through my mind.
To a certain extent, I knew I had feelings for Varun as well but, but whenever I thought of Akshay, I, I skipped a beat.

We went for lunch. While having lunch, Varun came and sat besides me.

"Heyy all!" he said.

I was hit by a wave of guilt. I felt like, like I was betraying him. Trying to control my emotions, I got up and went to my tent leaving the lunch as it was. Shit! What was I doing!! I was messing it all up. I wanted to cry, wanted to shut off the world and go somewhere where nobody knew me. Okk.. Calm down! I decided that I will ignore all the stuff going on in my mind

It was evening. I was sitting outside our tent. Boys were playing football in front and some girls were chitchating nearby.

"hi! Just give me your phone Prani." Meera came. I handed my phone to her."see this.." she said,showing me a candid photo of mine and Varun. I was looking at him and he on the other hand was laughing.

"isn't it a great pic? I captured it while trekking." she said, now scrolling through the gallery of my mobile.

Ignoring her comments, I looked in front when I saw him.. Varun,sitting exactly on the opposite side with his back facing me. Meera saw me staring at him and said,

"Varun is a great guy, isn't he?"

Huh? What? Why? Why was she confusing me more! No Meera, don't you say a word more about him.

"hmm.. That he is" I replied

"Heyy Prani! This is Akshay right? Your.. Your cru.." she saw the screenshot I took from his timeline two three months ago.

"yes Meera!"

"And who is she then?" Meera she'd pointing towards the girl with him.

"His girlfriend" I answered.

"What! His girlfriend! He has a girlfriend! And still you like him! Why? C'mon Prani, don't you think you are wasting your time?"

"oh please Meera! Yes he has a girlfriend and yes I still do like him. Is there any rule that you can't like a guy who has a girlfriend?!"

"you're right Prani, there is no such rule. Listen , I know you since childhood and so I exactly know that you will not allow anyone in your heart except him. But don't you think that if you just kept holding on to someone with whom you rarely have a chance, then you will end up being alone?"

She was right. Irony was, she was telling me the exact things I told Varun. Why didn't I get that!

"Meera" I said gathering all my courage,"I.. I am confused. I.. I like Varun. But I also have a crush on Akshay. I feel like I am betraying everyone including myself. I know my feelings for both of them are true and not just for name sake. What do I do?" I said, holding up my tears.

"oh you idiot! So this was bothering you. You know, same situation happened with me a couple of months ago and I.. I figured out that feelings are not meant to be destroyed or avoided. They are meant to be accepted. Accept the fact that Akshay was your first crush and that he always will be. But that should not stop you from loving anyone else. I know, society says thats not right but, but who decides whats wrong and what's right. According to me, if you know your equations with both of them, don't give a Shit to what others say."

Meera was right,very, very, very right. I had found my solution. I hugged her tight and thanked her.
"you're always welcome" she said, "by the way, you really like Varun!? I think he likes you too. During the lunch, when you suddenly left the tent, he was so worried about you and was asking about you the whole afternoon."

I couldn't control my blush. Meera was a savior. Now, I was ready to face Varun and tell him what was going on in my mind.

Heyy all! Wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali!
Sorry for updating a little late. But don't worry, the next chapter will be updated Asap.!

Finally, Prani has arrived at a decision! What do you guys think about Meera's thoughts?

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