Chapter 7

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

*4 months later*

I've been here for 4 months now, counting each day that passed by. In the past months, my life has been complete hell. Chris didn't send me off to that sex slavery thing, but I think if he did, I would be in a better state what what I am right now. He also had his friends come over and use me. It first started off with one, then two, and three, then four people that I don't know were using my body for thier sexual pleasure. Sometimes, they'll spill inside me, and throw objects like chairs so I wouldn't get pregnant. It'll be easier if I ate a birth control pill, right? But nope, they totally disregarded that idea. I bet it didn't even go through thier head. Plus, Chris only gives me "food" every three days or so. And the food I get shouldn't even be considered as food. The last time I ate, he gave me an apple core. But considering how hungry I was, I ate the whole core. He'll something give me a slice a bread, the bone of a steak, or a banana peel. And because of this poor eating habit, my weight has dropped drastically. I sighed, looking down at my body. I looked like garbage. My bones are showing through my skin, I haven't took a shower in how many days? And these bruises from weeks ago are not going away. I just want to end all of this. 'Lord, please give me the strength to last a few more months in the hell. Please, please, let someone find-' The opening of the door cut me off of my thought.

"Here." Chris said, eating the last bit of an apple. "Eat up." He threw the remains on the ground. I quickly got off the bed and took the apple core into my hands, eating it fast. He chuckled.

"You look so helpless, it's pathetic." He said. I ignored him and continued with my meal. All of a sudden, I felt a big blow on my stomach. He kicked me once again. "Listen to me when I'm talking."

"S-sorry..." My hoarse and raspy voice said. He huffed before picking me up and throwing me on the bed, possibly as rough as he can.

"And just for that, you're getting punished." He said, putting me on my hands and legs.

"P-please, please spare m-me." I whimpered.

"You wish." Chris repiled. I heard his belt jingle, but then, the jingling stopped. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but didn't move at all. "Maybe, we should try something new." He leaned over and used his hand to turn my head forcefully to face him.

"Ya like BDSM?" He asked, the jingling of his belt continued. Few moments later, I felt a hard smack on my ass. On no. We did something similar, but he used his hand.

"You count how much slaps you get. Lose count or cry out, we restart. Understand?" He said. Because I didn't reply fast enough, he held my neck in his hand tightly.

"Understand?" I nodded. He released my neck.

"We'll start at 10." He placed one smooth smack on my bottom. I bit the bottom of my lip and held the sheets beneath me so I couldn't scream out.

"Ten..." I said, holding in cries. The smacks came in as hard as possible as the numbers decreased.

"Mhm! One!" I said as the last smack was extremely painful. He rubbed my ass to sooth the pain.

"Good girl. I'm glad you finally obeyed me." He said. He disgust me to my core. I can't stand this dude anymore. "Now," He started, placing his member right inside me without any warning. It stung really badly since Chris didn't prepare me at all. He just rammer into me.

"You cry out at all, you ain't getting food at all. Ok?" I nodded quickly as he thrusted into me, speeding up with every thrust. 'Please hurry up. Please hurry up...' I cried in my head.

"Damn (Y/N), you feel awesome..." Chris moaned in my ear. A few moments later, he pulled out and made me face him. He roughly placed himself in my mouth and forcefully moved my head back and forth before spilling inside my mouth.

"Swallow." He demanded and looked me dead in the eyes. I obeyed. "Good." He said and pulled up his pants.

"Maybe you'll get something good tomorrow for obeying." Chris said and left. As soon as that door closed, I coughed up his seeds and spit them out in a unknown corner. I want this to end already. I've been dealing whit this bullshit for so long and I just it to be over.

"God damn it." I whispered as tears fell down my face and I slammed my fist to the ground. I want to leave. I want to get out of this hell hole. I just want it to end...

*Tasha's P.O.V*

4 months already. It's been 4 months and now news on (Y/N). Us and the police have been looking our ass off for (Y/N) and not even a single thing led to anything about her disappearance. Things got even more difficult for me because me and Ethan had a fight a few days back and well, it resulted in me getting kicked out of the house after getting used. My body was aching everywhere and I couldn't stand from where I was at, the doorway to the house. I mustered up all the energy I had left and walked all the to (Y/N)'s house. I opened the still not closed door and went to the kitchen. I took some medicine before crashing onto the couch and played the scene over and over in my head...

"What the hell Tasha?!" Ethan stormed into the living room, mad as all hell? Why? I don't even have a clue.

"What? What happened?" I jumped up from the couch.

"Oh, don't act like you're fucking innocent." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused on what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Who's Max?!" He inpatiently tapped his foot on the ground.

"What? I don't know ." I repiled.

"Then how come this person named Max called up the house phone, saying he's looking for you!?"

"Ethan, I don't know what you're talking about." I said, standing up.

"Oh, so this 'Max' person is all in my mind?" Oh no. Crap. Max, my cousin, was calling? "So you're cheating on me?!" Ethan ran up to me and grabbed me by my shirt.

"Ethan, baby, you don't under-" I said. He sighed.

"No, I understand a lot. Go to this Max person and get out of my house!" He released me.

"Ethan, wai-"

"Get out!" He said, sternly. I obeyed and grabbed my purse from the couch. He walked me to the front door and pushed me out the door, slamming the door behind my back. Now, what the hell am I supposed to do?

(AN: Maybe that last part was a little too much. I just wanted to add a lil something so that this chapter could get to 1000 words. That part was probably unessary, but oh well. So tell me, how do you like the story so far? Is it good, bad, sad? Any answer will be appreciated. But ANYWAYS

Thanks for reading,

And I'll see you,

In the next chapter.



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