Chapter 51

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I shoved some people so that I could get off the plane already. I was getting too restless for my own good because my seat wasn't really the best. This time, I was beside an overweight guy, who somehow brung McDonald's with him and kept on throwing his scraps onto me. I just couldn't deal with it, but onto some good news, I'm back in Los Angeles, A.K.A the land of cancerous Youtubers.

I breathed in some fresh polluted air as I got out of that small tunnel. It was back to be home, but I need to find a way to get to my actual house. I grabbed my suitcase off the conveyor belt, then went outside to call over a taxi. Once I did, I told the driver the address and they drove me to my home sweet home.

"Oh? Who's cooking chicken?!" I said while walking into the house after paying the taxi driver. I left my suitcase at the door and went straight into the kitchen to see what was cooking, and my prediction was correct. Someone was cooking up some chicken.

"Oi oi oi!" I heard a voice call from behind me. It was Signe with a big smirk on her face, looking me up and down with her arms wide open. "Now who's this? This isn't the (Y/N) I remember."

"Hey Signe!" I replied, walking into her open arms, and engulfing her into a tight hug. "I have evolved." I flipped my hair. "So what you cookin'? I'm very hungry."

"Oh? Is that (Y/N) that I see?" Another voice called from behind Signe. Looking over her shoulder, I was the other three girls: Marzia, Molly and Mandy. With a big smile on my face, I went up and hugged the three individually. "Hey girl, you look amazing! Is Italy doing something to?" Mandy asked and I laughed.

"No, but it's like none of you guys changed." I responded.

"That's because we didn't. We've been procrastinating ever since you left," Signe pitched in. "But it's nice to see that you're going after your dream. Good for you (Y/N)."

"Thanks you, all of you." They then took me back into the living room. The only thing different here was that it was filled with dirty plates and half empty cans of pop and alcohol. "One thing I didn't swear was that this house would be dirty. Have any of you even planned on cleaning?"

"I told you, the only things we've did was procrastinate." Signe said, taking a seat on the ground right in front of me. "Anyways, Italy, directing, tell us all about it." I chuckled.

"Well, it's actually fun and I enjoy it." I started. "Italy itself is so beautiful, you guys should go some day."

"I'm waiting for Sean to take me there...." Signe murmured. "But contiune."

"It's nice in Italy. And the school that I go to, it's beautiful, but yet scary." All four of them gave me that 'Elaborate' expression. "Listen, a few weeks back, we had some kind of survival game hosted by the students, and well, it got out of hand. At the end of the fight, everyone was fight and all. It was hetic."

"But other than that, I actually have a few friends I've already made and they seemed nice and all. There's Rachel, the tall mixed girl, Andrea, the crazy red head, and Jayden, the weird but mysterious dude. Other than that, all is good back there."

"Ahh..." They gasped at the same time. "So that's why you've been ganging weight. Those fools have been downing vegetable oil down your throat!" Signe concluded.

"No, that's not it. I'm actually pregnant guys." I whispered with a smile on my face as I showed them my little baby bump. They looked unimpressed. "You guys look mad, why?"

"Because you're pregnant. Is it Mark's?" Hesitantly, I shook my head from side to side, and they gasped again, but this time louder than before.

"(Y/N), have you been whoring around?" Marzia asked.

"No, listen, it was a one night stand an-"

"You got pregnant from a one night stand?!"

"No- well yes. But it was accidental. A few people, including the guy who I slept with went out to eat and had too much to drink, and I ended up in his bed, now with his baby." I said, biting on my nails while shaking slightly.

"Do you even know who this dude is?"

"He's my co-worker at that bar I started working at, the one with the slicked back hair and the glasses." They gasped even louder, and I looked down at my hands while playing with my fingers, disappointed at my actions. Signe slapped one of my thick thighs and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"(Y/N)! How could you do that? Do you know how broken Mark will be when he hears about this?"

"About that...." I said, the four of them proping themselves so that they could hear me better. "I told him already over the phone, and he kinda hanged up as a response." I said. Marzia all of a sudden got up from the couch, throwing her hands above her head and pacing around the room.

"What?!" She stopped. "(Y/N)!"

"I know, I'm disappointed in myself as well. Now what am I supposed to do? Abort the baby?"

"No no no!" They all sheriked at the same time, which caught me off guard. "Are you brain dead?!" Molly asked.

"So then..."

"You keep the baby." Mandy continued my sentence. "It's apart of you, it inherits a part of you and stays with you for as long as you live. You know you go to hell for abortion, so that's why you keep it."

"But how about Mark? Is the baby going to have to live without it's biological father?"

"So far, that's what it looks like. As so for Mark, if he doesn't want the baby, leave him. You have to keep this baby, (Y/N). That's the least you can do." I sighed, thinking through this all over while throwing my head back. I'm not trying to lose Mark, nor the baby, so finding a way to balance this is preety hard. "But for now, let's forget all about this baby business and eat some chicken." I nodded, pushing the thought to the back of my head and getting up to go check on the chicken in the kitchen.

Seeing how it was cooked, I took it out and put each peice of a separate plate for each person with some rice and beans. One that was done, everyone grabbed their wine, I grabbed my two liter watter bottle and hot sauce before going them on the couch. Signe was choosing a movie, and she was taking the horror route. No one was against it, so we picked one of the Insidious movies. I quickly got up to get some blankets, turning off basically all the lights in the house and taking a nice seat between the arm rest and Molly.

"Oh? How come we're not invited to the scary movie party?" A thick Irish accent rang throughout the house as the front door opened. Apon the voice came in five bodies, which one turned on the hallway light.

"Excuse you, but we're trying to enjoy a movie." Signe barked back and rolled her eyes before stopping the movie. As the light turned on, my eyes were fixated on a pair of chocolate eyes. The same with the other person. The room went quite as everyone realized I was a thing chilling on the couch.

"Hi Mark," I spoke first.


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