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Carly never loved the sound of a raising voice or hard terms coming her way. After her dad began yelling and furiously criticizing her actions she soon scurried off to her room where she locked her door. She couldn't help the tears that begin to stream down her face. She tired wiping them away acting as if nothing was said or nothing happened. She always talked back saying something as harsh as he might have said. Her mother never agreed with that as she promised Carly that if she would stay quiet nothing would be said but she knew nothing of that sort would happen. She couldn't keep her opinions to herself just like he couldn't stop the judging and criticizing. Carly walked over to her bed where she just decided to sit on the edge as she mumbled to herself that everything gets better in time. Her thoughts we pushed aside by the yelling and cursing of her mother and father. Such harsh terms where sent from one another as one defended and one prosecuted her very actions.

She leaned back on her bed as she placed a pillow over her head and tears began to stream down her face. This world was something that she could never get a hold of; never understand what would happen next. She jumped at the sound of her father's loud footsteps coming down the hall, it was her turn to hear what he has to say. Carly hated that fact this is what she had to live with everyday. The screams and bantering of how she yet did something wrong. Pulling the blankets closer to her she tried escaping the world and sounds that surrounded her. She couldn't find anything to ease her mind and the banging of fist on her door got louder. She closed her eyes tightly thinking as hard as she could of something yet anything to help her escape - disconnect - or anything. Her mind drifted to a blonde headed boy.

His smile - it was something that soothed her raping beating heart. The way his eyes shined in the light of the sinking sun made her breathing calm. He was something that she has never seen before, yet she has heard of him millions of times. The terms 'future MLB player' struck her mind. Everyone thought he was the best they have ever seen. This made Carly giggle, she has seen many people a lot better then him. He just had a cocky attitude to be able to believe their terms. She closed her eyes as the image of what happened at the park seize to take over. She breathes a sigh of relief before drifting off into peaceful sleep.

Carly woke up knowing the actions of last night will cause a fuss this morning. She slowly got out of bed afraid to make any sound that would seem to wake the sleeping beast in the room next to hers. Opening the door as slowly as she could she glanced down the hallway to see if any sign showed he has awoken. She breathed a sigh of relief, this was going to be a good morning. The sound of a door opening made her stand still as her heart beat kicked up a speed. Slowly glancing over her shoulder she noticed her mother closing her bedroom door.

"Carly" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Please listen to him for now on. Don't come home late again." Carly didn't have much to say so she nodded her head.

"Hurry up and get ready for school before he wakes up." With those words she rushed to her bedroom and grabbed her clothes and quickly proceeded to the bathroom to get ready.

She stood in front of the mirror as she brushed out her long brown hair. She never really liked the way she looked. She leaned closer to the mirror to exam her feature. Big green eyes, freckles going across her nose and onto her cheeks. She crinkled her nose in disgust as she just shook her head, finally pulling her head into a pony tail. Leaving the bathroom she heard heavy footsteps behind her.

"Why haven't you left yet?" His stern voice rang through the house as she noticed her mom peek her head down the hallway.

"I-I'm about to leave right now." Carly hated the way he made her nervous and the way he voice always had a hint of dismay behind it when he addressed her. "Well get going!"

She jumped at the anger in his voice but she wasted no time to grab her bag. Closing the main door behind her she breathed in some fresh air before proceeding towards the school yard. Her father made sure to move close the school so she doesn't have to depend on anyone to drive her. She loved to have a little freedom in the house but to be treated like a prisoner was never her dream. Reaching the school she headed to her locker, glancing around the school she notice the baseball team talking to the girls that surrounded them.

"Things never change."

Carly hated the needy girls that could get any guy they wanted. She knew what they wanted them for but she never thought they would be giving it up the willingly. Don't they have respect? Carly smiled at thinking they have self respect. Seeing as they prance around here like they are everything just shows to her and everyone else they don't. Finally getting her locker open she reaches into her bag to place her books in. The slamming of the locker startled her but she glanced over to know it was the same group it was every morning.

"How is it to have no one care about? Seeing as your father just doesn't care let along your mother."

His words stung. She always believed deep down that her father cared, maybe that was why he was so aggressive towards her. Her mother was her lifeline. She looked over to her group of tormentors; their baseball uniforms were surely worn with pride. She hated them all of them - well maybe not all - but the aspect of how they acted would force anyone with common sense to turn away.

"I love when she is speechless." One spoke in enjoyment.

"Makes this ten times more fun." The group leader muttered as he laughed.

She looked down at the tiled floors of the hallway as they continued to harass her in anyway they could. Lightly pushing at her, stealing her bag as they go through it laughing at little things they would find.

"Nickelback? Seriously?" The leader began to laugh. "Get with the times." He started to laugh hysterically

The band she listened to everyday. That was the last thing to her new feeling - happiness. She thought of how and her mother use to sit and listen to them before her father got enraged.

"Nickelback.....hmm seems someone has taste."

Carly glanced up to see the blonde boy standing behind his teammates as their laughing dialed down. "You like them?" One questioned looking at him as if he was insane. "Yep, they are pretty good. Give them a chance Daren."

She watched as the guys soon disappeared and he handed her back her bag. She looked at him astonished and curious to why he would do that. He just stood their smiling down at her as he had a look of question. The sound of his teammates yelling for him grabbed both of their attentions.

"See you later?" His statement started in the form of a question. She wondered what he meant by this sudden question. But glancing to his number 12 jersey she knew that he meant to probably see her at the game.

She pondered the idea thinking the scenery around the ball park was perfect. Finally confiding in her idea she nods which makes his smile grow. He waved to here as he walked away leaving her to her own curious thoughts. She lean against her locker as she thinks of maybe having just one friend. The idea of having a friend made her smile and made all the problems that rested on her shoulders at home soon began to fade.

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