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She missed her chance. The little promise she made to him with her little nod agreeing to meet later. She hated how she was stuck in the house doing chores while trying to find the time to finish her homework. Teachers where demanding when it came to turning in certain things at certain times. She hated it. She turned her attention away from her textbook as she glanced towards her bedroom window. She pondered the idea of sneaking out. She knew the punish meant she would inhabit if he caught her. She wanted to escape the presence of her "home".

Grabbing her camera from her bedside table, she slowly walked to her door making sure no sound is heard on the other side. Hearing complete silence she eased back towards her window and slowly climbed out. Carly has snuck out once, but after the assault that followed those actions she swore she wouldn't do it again. But here she is walking down her road and heading straight for the beautiful meadow.

Getting close to her destination the loud sound of curses words are heard. She stopped in her tracks not knowing who might be there. The worst thought runs through her head. "What if it is someone that will hurt me?" That idea just kept repeating in her head as she slowly proceeded closer to the noise.

"Lucas get your head out of your ass and pay attention!"

Lucas? That name didn't seem familiar. She proceeded closer to the field she noticed two people - one standing extremely close to the other. She still didn't understand what was going on. Carly decided to stand back and watch - she wanted to keep distance afraid of what they might do to her - the one guy stepped back as he tossed something to the other. The field was dark nothing able to be seen. She listened closely to their conversation.

"Don't fuck up this time!"

"Yes sir."

"What did you say?"

"Yes sir!"

That voice. She knew that voice but nothing popped in her head. She watched cautiously as the field lights came on. His blonde hair came into view. It was Luke. She didn't understand why he was here this late, along with some guy furiously yelling at him. She watched as the guy pitched to him - why examining Luke's mistakes - making sure he had hit the ball causing it to proceed over the fence.

"Why can't you do that at the games?"

The guy picked up everything as he instructed something to him. Luke nodded before grabbing his glove. Carly waited for the guy to leave, he some how made her nervous. She watched his car drive off leaving just her and Luke. She eased close to him as he just laid back on the grass.

"You okay?" He spun around at a random voice. His expression soon changed as he looked at her. She didn't say anything as she placed herself beside him.

"Just fine." He picked up his glove as he threw it as far as he could. She knew he was angered at something - better yet someone.

No one said anything as they both laid back looking up at the clear sky. Carly loved the stars, she missed sitting out in the yard just gazing up at the mysterious sky. She always wondered what is out there.

"Did you hear everything?" She looked over at him to see he had started to lean on his elbows as he looked ahead.

"A little."

"It pisses me off, you know. I try so hard to please him. That's why it took up this sport but no matter what I do it's not good enough for him." Luke glanced to her. She didn't know what to say but she understood.

The silence came back as they just looked everywhere but each other. She reached for her camera as she held it in her hands as she looked for something. The lights that surround the field stayed lit. Glancing beside her she notice how nice Luke looked. His hair tussled, as his face is illuminated but the shinning light. She never did Photographs of people.

She held the camera up as figured out the best center for the photo. Finally finding the perfect range and angle, she snapped the photo. Luke turned his attention towards her. A smile spread across his face as he just looked at her. She snapped a few more before placing it down. He just kept smiling at her. She didn't understand it but she couldn't help the smile that soon spread across her face.

He reached into his pocket pulling out his phone. He gestures for her to move closer to him. She is a little hesitant but soon moves a little closer. She watches as he clicks on his camera app. Their faces soon pop on the screen.

"Smile." He instructs before snapping the picture. She watches him as he soon goes to another app. He posts the picture. She was nervous, not only for the comments that await him but the remarks that will soon down her feel on life a little more. "Do you have this app?"

"I don't have apps on my phone."

"What?" Luke seemed shocked by her answer. "Everyone has apps. Some of them are entertaining."

Carly just shrugged not really seeing the point on wasting storage on her phone for apps when most is occupied by music and photos. Luke captured a few more photos of her and them together before placing his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that guy?"

"What guy?" Luke didn't understand her question. "The guy that was cursing at you." He hung his head. He never wanted anyone to know what he felt or dealt with away from everyone.

He stood up. He reached his hand to her in attempts to help her up. She obliged as placed her hand in his. He helped her back to her feet before he headed off towards his glove. Carly didn't understand why he blew off her question but not knowing the answer made her more curious.

She stood alone as she watched him pick up things and place them in his bag. She had the idea that she might have upset him in away. She hated the fact that she might have made a new friend but yet again her questions ruined it. She watched as he just stood their.

"Do you ever want to disconnect from everything? Like put everything away and enjoy life in a way you want too?"

His random question startled her. It was like he was reading her own thoughts. She reached down and grabbed her camera placing it around her neck. "Everyday." It was the last thing she said before she left Luke all by himself as she headed towards the dirt road that lead straight to her house.

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