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Luke was in a worried panic. He has tried many ways to get ahold of her but nothing was getting through. He stayed waiting at the park, by her locker everyday but she never showed up. Luke wanted to rush to her house, but he didn't know where she loved. Luke couldn't help but run his hand through his hair as he waited furiously at her locker.

He wanted her to come through the main doors laughing and smiling as he would question her why she has been ignoring him. But as the bell rang he noticed she wants coming, again. He slumped against his locker not believing what his mind was trying to add together. He spotted a boy hanging up something on the wall. Carly's name was placed on the sheet causing Luke to stand up.

he didn't know what was going on. he rushed up to the boy grabbed the sheet of paper asking the guy questions. as the words left his mouth Luke felt his heartache. he kept shaking his head not wanting to believe his words. she just couldn't be gone. no.

he left the school grounds in a search to find her in the usual spot but as he eased closer to it. she wasn't there. tears were soon streaming down his face as his breathing was heavy. his mind kept spinning as he tried to fight the idea that she was gone.

he saw her last night she can't be gone she just can't. he started to look around as he notice the trail she always took when the went sorr are ways. he knew she had to he there. he just knew it. he started to run down the trail in hopes to see her. the paper still in his hand.

as the trail ended he stood in front of a house. Luke didn't know what to do but he had to know if she was here or if they knew where she was. he just couldn't get through his mind that she was actually gone.

stepping up on the porch Luke was nervous. his knuckles hit against the wood of the door as he tried to catch his breath. the women he saw the other night that came to get Carly. her eyes were bloodshot and he just knew that everything was true. he broke down.

the women soon recognized him as she placed her arms around the sobbing boy. she didn't know what to do but comfort him as he sobbed. Luke finally controlled his outburst and apologized. he was soon offered into the house as a man stayed sitting on the couch as a photo of Carly was placed in his hands. he kept speaking the words 'I'm sorry' over and over and his fingers brushed against her photo.

Luke thought he was going to join the man on the sofa but he was soon directed to a room. the women opened the door. Luke looked around as he smiled. there where photos of him that Carly had taken placed around the room as well as photos of them both.

"I have never seen her so happy then in these photos." Luke looked behind him as the women wiped her eyes. "you were her only friend and I'm thankful for you. you made her so happy in her last days...."

without another word Luke brought the women into a hug. he didn't want her to cry anymore but he knew he needed to comfort her as she did him. she cried into his chest as she thanked him.

"Carly made me so happy and she helped me see things in a new view. she changed my life." he spoke as he rubbed the women's back in comfort.

she soon pulled away as she walked to her desk. as she headed back towards Luke she handed him an envelope. "this is addressed to you." she spoke before leaving Luke in Carly's room.

he fiddled with the envelope before taking a seat on her bed and decided to open it. he took a deep breath as he unfolded the small piece of paper.


I should have told you but I didn't want you to panic and worry. or demand I see a doctor. the battle needed to be done and over with and it is now. I wanted to thank you for being my friend and making me happy. I never thought the star baseball player would be so sappy.

Luke couldn't help but laugh as tears brimmed his eyes.

but the times we spent on the field will always be the best day of my life. you helped my be disconnected for the world that I was drowning in. no matter the choice I was dying you made me feel alive. Luke I just wanted to say I love you.

placing the letter down Luke looked further into the envelope, soon finding pictures of him and Carly. pictures of him she took and pictures of her that he took. he couldn't contain his smile as he looked at them. tears soon leaving his eyes as he continued to admire them.

"Carly I love you too." he spoke as he stood up and looked around her room one last time before walking out.

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