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"You came." Luke breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Carly walk closer to him. She kept her time wondering if her dizziness would come back. Finally reaching the smiling boy she took a seat beside him on the grass as her world began to spin. Carly was furious with her mother and the damn doctor appointment. Her assumption was right, she was dying. But the idea she had to neglect the medication would kill her mother in the end.

One question kept running through her mind should she tell Luke? They were close but did he have a right to know. She looked to him as he stayed on his phone. She was curious what he was doing but asking would be a little to much. He groans in annoyance as he types faster.

Luke knew Carly was looking at him but he couldn't look back. His bandmates were furious with the cancelation of practice. Texting Luke in a rant was what they decided was the best thing to do. Luke hated it. He couldn't explain further that it was his dad.

"Carly can I ask you a question?" Luke muttered quietly hoping maybe she could help.

"Yeah, what's up?" Carly weakly answered hoping and praying he didn't notice.

Luke took a deep breath as Carly started to get tired as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"My bandmates are a little furious with me since I cancelled practice. But I had no choice my dad is up my ass."

Carly hummed in response as she tried to think of the best answer. She never was in this situation or a reason to pick it. But she understood that dad thing, she knew her dad wasn't the best. But that never stopped her from loving him.

"Tell your dad you are practicing and then go to band practice. And if your dad calls and asks where you are practicing at tell him you are with one of the teammates."

"You are a genius" Luke praised as he texted the guys.

Carly couldn't help but glance up at him and notice his smile. His smile was quite contagious. She found her self smiling at just the image. But the smile vanished as her phone began to rang. She moved away from Luke as she pulled it out of her pocket. She quickly hit answer as she knew who it was.

"Ms. Carly, hello this is doctor James." His voice was so hesitant on the phone.

"Hello." Carly spoke regretting answering.

"Is your mother around?" She shook her head but realising that isn't going to answer his question so she softly spoke, "no."

"Well I have some news and I need you to understand that your choice is your choice." Carly stays quiet as she awaits him to continue. "I hate to say this, you are a strong girl Carly, but you are in stage four of your cancer. Without treatment your life is shortened." With that sentence Carly spaced out.

She was dying and Luke was alive and happy. What was she going to do? How was he going to react to her sudden death? She tried not to cry. She couldn't let Luke find out and get pity and all his attention. She wants him happy. After hanging up with phone with the doctor she asked Luke a question.

"Band huh?" Luke placed his phone in the grass beside him as he just smiled at her.

"Yep." He stated proudly.

She encouraged him to tell her more. Which he did. He loved talking about the things that make him happy and this was one. He would inform her on funny stories of the band and what they do when they are bored. Carly couldn't help but laugh at some as it was just impressive that they were this age and they would act about 5.

Luke smiled at her as she laid her head in his lap as he kept talking about his band. He didn't fail to mention their YouTube page getting more views in days. She smiled up at him which caused Luke's smile to grow wider. He didn't understand why she was suddenly so tired or who was calling her this late.

But he never wanted to ask. He didn't want to offend her by getting into her business. So he decided a little game to change his mind to something else. He asked if she would want to play twenty questions which she happily replied to. Luke started first asking simple questions which led him to know her favourite colour is blue, her dream place to live is England, and her mom is her best friend minus him. He smiled at the mentioning of him as a best friend.

Carly fired back with questions but they weren't so simple as his. She found out that he wanted to travel the world with his band, he loved writing songs, his best friends were Ashton, Michael and Calum. Carly blushed as he spoke her name in the same category. The night air got crisp as they stayed in their same positions.

Luke found his hands ruining through her hair as her head stayed in her lap as her eyes closed. Her mouth opened slightly as she was soon fallen to sleep. He wanted to so badly mutter his feelings to her. He wanted to tell her that he was possibly falling in love with her. But he didn't want to change any of this. He loved how everything was so comfortable and at piece, he didn't want to ruin that.

"CARLY!" A women screamed waking Carly from her little slumber. Luke looked to see a women running up from the path Carly usually comes from. A line of curse words comes from Carly's lips as she moves off Luke's lap. She didn't know why her mother was looking for her. As she presence got closer Carly scrambled to her feet as the pain in her head rose.

Luke stood up quickly as Carly's body leaned to a side. He caught her quickly before she fell. Her eyes locked with his as he looked worryingly to her. Her mother breathed heavily as she made her way up to them. Luke helped Carly stand back to her feet. She gave her mother a week smile. Her mothers eyes stayed on Luke as she didn't know how to process this.

"Carly, you need your rest. You need to get home and back to bed." Luke looked to the woman confused as to saying Carly needed rest. Was something wrong? He watched as Carly nodded and looked down. Luke felt the woman stare at him as he kept his eyes on Carly.

"I'm Luke." He spoke stretching his hand out to the woman. She shook it while smiling as she looked to what Luke thought was her daughter and back to him. She muttered a nice to meet you. Carly knew her mother would ask questions, she wanted to avoid that at all cost. She stepped towards her mother as she felt dizzy. She felt her grip her arm as she led her to her.

Carly didn't say anything as she walked away from Luke. His presence stayed in the same spot as Carly walked off with her mother. She knew she would be caught and that she was now on lock down. But she didn't care he had to see him. She had to be with him one last time. Her life was fading and he was just beginning.

"Does he know?" Her mother questioned bringing Carly out of her thoughts. "No" she spoke weakly causing he mother to hold her tighter. Carly entered her house to find her father pacing the floor. His eyes landed on her, he smiled, something Carly wasn't use to seeing. He moved to her as he held her body to his in a hug. Carly heard him sniffle as his grip tightened.

The room was filled with his apologies and his and her mothers sobs. Carly didn't know what to say. Her father was being, loving. Something that wasn't normal but dying brings emotions out of many people and Carly hoped after she is gone he will change. He helped her to her room as he kissed her forehead. A gesture that hasn't been done since she was very young. He spoke words of love to her before leaving her to herself.

She grabbed a piece of paper from her bedside table as she wrote something down for the boy that stayed in her mind she didn't know how much longer she had left but she knew it would be soon. Carly held back tears not wanting to show emotion but it was something she needed to do. Placing the paper and pen down she curled up into a ball as she cried. She didn't know what she was crying about but she knew the pain in her body was over taking and this battle was slowly ending.

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