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Carly eased into her room not wanting to make any sound. She knew if she was caught it would cause more harm then she has intended to have done. Sitting her camera down slowly she crawled into her bed. She stayed laying there as she looked up at the ceiling thinking of what Luke had said only minutes ago. She never thought she would find someone that understood her more then she did. He seemed to know her pain and heartache, but she never understood why a guy such as him would go through so much. Couldnt he just do something about it? He seemed to be stronger then her, he could just speak up and step back. She closed her eyes, the morning sun was rising. The light illmuniated her small room as it shined onto her walls. She took a deep breath before laying on her side and drifting off into sleep.

The pain echoed in her again. He knew what was coming. She stayed there leaning over her bed letting everything leave her stomach as it landed in the trash can. Her mother started calling at her on the other side of the door as she repeated the question. "Are you Okay?" Carly replied best she could she was fine, but as she looked down in her trash can to the spots of blood she added togther she wasnt. This has happened before, she swore it wouldnt happen again but here she was heaving trying to get everything out. Finally being able to stop she layed back on her bed. She knew what it all meant but this was another thing she wanted to keep secret from everyone. It was her battle she was loosing, she didnt want help. She wanted to let it take over the way it was meant to, she believed this was the way it was meant to happen.

Steping onto the school grounds everyone was starring at her as she committed a crime. She didnt understand why everyone focused their attention onto her. Carly ingnored the horrific glances as she proceeded towards her locker. Never looking at anyone else she placed her textbooks in her locker as she awaited the bell to dismiss her to class. Not wanting anything to due with anyone she took a seat in the floor. Watching everyone pass by.

Luke noticed her alone while everyone passed not paying attention to her. He had a soft smile on his face as he looked at his phone admiring the photo of them both. He started waking closer to her as she leaned her head against the locker behind her. He notice a little paleness in her face. He was worried that she was feeling under the weather.

"Hi." He softly spoke as he took a seat beside her.

"Hi." She replied.

He watched as she just fumbled with her fingers not wanting to look towards him. He grabbed his phone still admiring his homescreen then he got an idea. He stood up as he just stood in front of her. Calry noticed his figure no longer beside her so see glances up and saw his blue eyes piercing down at her. He stretched his hand out. She grabbed her phone as it vibrated in her pocket. She knew it was her mother talking about a doctors apointment that she has kinda forced on Carly this morning. She told her mother the life plan she had but her mom began to cry saying she couldnt loose her little girl.

"Come on take my hand." Luke says with a chuckle.

She smiled and soon placed her hand in his. The class bell rang as he led her towards the school gates, she didnt understand what was going on. He didnt give much away as he just opened his jeep door for her. Luke's smile grew as she entered the vehicle. He had a plan for them, knowing that he need practice on his swing as he father said. So he thought why not ditch a whole day; enjoying her company while trying to make his father happy with a little practice towards his game.

He entered the driver side as he looked towards her. She kept typing away on her phone. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head back against the head rest. "You okay?" Luke questions as he backs out of his parking spot while glancing towards her. She nodded as he eyes stayed closed. He stayed quiet as he followed down the road leaving the school.

She was distracted - her mother texting her demanding that she is coming to school and forcing her to the doctor. Carly has been through those doctors appointments before. They were meant to get it out of her but by her points they have made the killing growing in her worse. She felt the pain coming back which would soon cause the blood to come back out of her mouth. She didn't want it to happen - not even when she was never or around Luke. She opened her as to spot him glancing at her, he seemed a little worried and she knew she is the cause of it.

"Where are we going?" She questioned wondering if her first assumption was true.

"I'm not going to kill you, and a place that I like to disconnect." He looked over at her as he smiled.

She lightly smiled at him before focusing back on her phone. Luke noticed her getting more upset as she texted who ever she was. He had yet another idea. He reached over to her grabbing the phone from her hands before tossing it into the back of the jeep.

"Luke!" She scowled before she started to reach for her phone.

"It's not safe for me to drive while you unbuckled."

She crossed her arms as she sited back in he seat. She crept mumbling things under her breath. Carly never met someone like look besides from her friend Sydney. Luke kept his laughter in as he listened to her mumbles.

"I love the sounds you make when you're mad." He says glancing to her and back towards the road.

He knew with those words Carly was smiling and that was his goal. She hated him - not really enough to keep distance but enough to keep her upset for a good set of hours. The jeep was silent as no one said a thing. She kept to her self knowing her mom would be calling up a storm after she finds out she ditched school. Keeping her eyes glued in the windows she noticed how beautiful everything got the farther he drove.

"We are here." He says pulling up to a thin gate with patches gone and vines growing up.

She didn't understand where they were but she was to curious to stay locked in the vehicle. Luke for out grabbing his ball bag before opening the door for Carly. He led the way as he climbed over the beaten fence. He helped her over before grabbing his bag once again. She slowly walked behind him as he begin talking about how he came her when his father worked late. His mom - well that's what Carly thought she heard him say - always snuck him away so he can be himself.

Tossing his bag closer to home plate he bent over as he reached in it grabbing a bat. Luke looked to Carly as she started at him wide eyed. "We came her so you can practice?" She questioned raising her brow at him. "Yes and no." He chuckled as he handed the bat to her. Carly didn't know what to do. So she decided to do what she sees everyone else do. She stood at the plate with her legs placed in the stance she believed they did.

Holding the bat like she once saw on TV. Luke stood their shocked as he watched her stand at the plate. Her stance was the stance his father tried with him many years ago that he never was able to do. "Can you hit a baseball?" He questions grabbing one from his bag as he tosses it up in the air. He continued this action as he waited for her reply. "I think I could better then you." Carly stated with a smirk. Luke walked towards her as he tossed the ball up. Carly watched it as it fell to the ground.

Luke laughed as he told her she was meant to hit it. She shook her head as a little fear took over. She thought of someone hitting something. Thinking that hitting was wrong, she never liked to be hit in anyway then way should she hit a ball. Luke stood behind her as he placed one hand on her lower back. Carly froze, this was the most contact she has ever made with someone.

"Relax." He whispered in her ear. "I'm going to toss the ball up and just hit it okay?"

She nodded as she gripped the bat tighter. She watched as he tossed it up. Taking a deep breath Carly swung. Watching the ball fly towards center field she felt happy. She finally hit a baseball. She dropped the bat in excitement as she turned towards Luke. He rapped his arms around he as he pulls her in a hug, with words of congratulations. She held onto him tight as he spins them around. Her laughter fills Luke's ears as a smile grows on his face.

They stop spinning as he sets her back on her feet. Her never removed his hands from her lower back. She kept her hands clasps around his neck as they starred into each other's eyes. In a little shock Carly watched as he leaned in. She didn't know what to do but to close her eyes.

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