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Luke stayed standing looking forward at the gaint crowd. He still couldnt believe he was here living out his dream with his best friends. He always thought he would live out the way he dad wanted him to but she knew that wouldnt happen. Carly, the girl he connected with in just a minor of days. Her death still present in his mind, he never had a day where he didnt think about her. She was something special and he was lucky he got to see her in a way no one else did.

Luke didnt want to think of the memories that made him cry, but he wanted to remeber her laugh that was heard with his corny comments. Her reasuring words that have always stuck with him. Luke couldnt believe its been three years now, he just didnt want to think of the worst of it. Carly would always be with him in someway and thats all he needed. He looked towards his band knowing and remebering her pushing him to reschedule the practice, that pratice helped everything.

They all give him a reassuring nod which they understood his hesitation. He always thought of her. No matter where he was he would always drift off to her, just the thoughts of her would make him laugh or even yet cry. He loved her. But never were those words spoken. She was different from him and he knew that but with her death he knew she was something more to him then a friend. She impacted him.

he turned to the guys knowing this was going to be emotional for him. but he and yet they all knew that this needed to be done. he stepped to the microphone prepared the speak of the song about to be preformed but yet what impact it has. as he instructed to the cheering crowd what was going to be mentioned and played they all soon became quiet.

"there was a girl. her name was Carly. growing up I was this baseball player living the dream of my father. but I met her. she was so beyond what I expected out of a girl with such beauty. she was different and yet she knew it. her life was a struggle. bullies making her life such hell. but she never showed weakness.

the field where I use to play was were we met up on a daily basis. she always had her camera wanting to snap photos of anything an everything. without her acknowledgement I took photos of her as she laughed and she smiled. she hated photos being taken of herself but she was always willing to have a photo with me.

through our months of knowing each other she was fighting a battle of cancer. I didn't know of such a thing until it was too late. she was joy. and I truly mean that. her death was a shock to me and I was devastated. I never knew what to think or do. but I followed her instructions and worked harder with the band.

without her words of wisdom I wouldn't be here in front of you guys. as I started to write songs with the guys I knew I had to have something just for her. just for who she is. and that is what is going to be played next. everyone this is disconnected."

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