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"How are you doing?" Caroline asked me while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I'm getting there I guess. I just need to learn how to control my urges and cravings." I said tapping consistently on the table.

"Do we need to leave?" She asked me.

"No, it's just the blood on the girl's arm." I motioned over to the girl that had accidentally cut her finger on the menu.

"We have a lot to work on. Let's get started." She said and stood up.


Damon's POV----

"I can't believe you kissed her! Damon!" Stefan yelled so anyone in the house could here.

I sped over to him and covered his mouth.

"Shut up! I don't want all of Mystic Falls to know yet." I said uncovering it.

"Have you guys talked about it?" He asked giving a cocky grin.

"No, not yet. Elena walked her to bed last night before we could talk." I answered replaying the moment in my head.

"Was it good?" Stefan asked with no filter whatsoever.

"Yes it was good! I wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't." I shot back at him.

"Well, Katherine didn't work out...and after we broke the sire bond with Elena....she left you. This might actually work out in your favor." Stefan said giving a chuckle and patting me on the back.

"Just don't tell Elena or Caroline or Jeremy or Enzo....just don't tell anybody. Okay?" I asked reassuring myself about trusting him.

"Promise." He said throwing his hands up in the air.

Stefan walked out of my room as my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

"Tell me she is watching blood drip down someone's arm and the veins aren't staining her face." I said sarcastically.

"It isn't that easy Damon but she is getting better. She can defend herself and she isn't as squirmy with blood." She explained making me feel a whole lot better.

"Okay can you let me know when you are bringing her home?" I asked regretting it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"Um sure." Caroline answered hesitantly.

"Talk to you later." I said back to her before hanging up.


Abby's POV——

"It's 10pm, can we head home?" I asked extremely exhausted.

"Can you tell me why you kissed Damon?" She asked giving me a stern look.

My stomach flipped upside down and things got a bit blurry.

"What?" I asked gulping and leaning against a tree.

"I said, can you tell me why Stefan is worried about Damon?" Caroline asked looking at her phone in frustration.

I shook my head and tried to focus on what she was saying.

I'm obviously malnourished and sleep-deprived.

"I don't know, I need a blood bag and a pillow. So I'm heading home." I said walking towards my car.

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." She said waving and giving me a quick smirk.

"Bye Caroline." I waved back.

I drove home quickly and saw the Elena & Stefan weren't home. But Damon was.

I walked inside and saw Damon with two glasses and a bottle of bourbon standing in front of the fireplace.

I took a deep breathe and walked over to him.

"May I have a glass?" I asked eyeing the glass.

He smiled and poured me a glass.

"So should we talk about last night? Or pretend it didn't happen?" He asked completely serious.
I felt the heat rise to my face.

"What do you think?" I asked him but before I could say anything else my glass was on the floor and his lips were on mine.

"Is everything alright in here?" Jeremy asked waking inside the room spotting us making out. He had heard my glass fall to the floor.

"Oh my gosh! What the heck?" He asked grabbing his eyes and running to the other room.

I jumped off Damon and looked around the room; completely shocked and unaware.

Then Elena and Stefan walked inside with smiles tugging at their faces.

"How was training Abby?" Stefan asked me after putting down a few shopping bags.

"It was eventful. I don't know how much more I have to learn but I made progress." I said still searching for an explanation for Jeremy.

"Tomorrow is Sunday so that means it's family dinner night; everyone be here around 7." Elena announced to us.

"Who all is invited?" I asked her.

"Caroline, Bonnie, Enzo, Alaric, Jeremy, us four, and Tyler." Elena listed off the top of her head.

"Great." I said hesitantly before running upstairs.

"Jeremy?" I asked knocking on his door.

He was sitting at his desk working on what looked to be Anatomy homework.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to? Maybe you could just go hang with Damon." He sarcastically snapped at me.

I shook my head and walked in.
"I'm sorry that you had to see that, but we like each other now." I said standing next to him.

"You do?" Elena asked from the door frame.

I turned around speechless.

She looked at me while widening her eyes.

"I can't believe that you didn't tell me." She said looking at me in disgust and walking into her room before slamming the door shut.

I walked up to her door.

"Elena, I was going to tell you when we actually knew what was going on. It started yesterday, and we are still experimenting." I said resting my head on the wall.

"Go away." She said coldly.

I nodded my head and walked to my room hanging my head.

Then I heard Damon in the kitchen.

I turned and walked that way.

"What are you doing?" I asked him before having a seat at the one of the high top chairs.

"Everyone knows we are together now, maybe they didn't take it well, but we don't have to hide it anymore!" He said grabbing a pan and throwing some cookie dough on it.

I smiled and walked over to him to help with the dough.

"How did Elena take it?" He asked looking a bit worried.

"She is mad that I didn't tell her and that she had to figure it out for herself." I answered honestly.

Damon wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth.

"It'll all be okay, I promise." He whispered in my ear.

I kissed his cheek.

Then the thought pierced my mind, what is Bonnie going to say?

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