His Plan

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"Thank you so much Mr. Evans." I said hanging up my phone.

"What was that about?" Damon asked putting his arms around me.

"I'm taking online classes now, so I don't have to go to school. I compelled him yesterday and now I have all the details." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Damon!" Stefan yelled from the living room.

We both walked inside and asked him what's going on.

"Bonnie just called me; there was an 'animal attack' at the Mystic Grill. I'm heading over now." He explained while walking outside. Damon followed.

"I'm coming too." I said running behind them.

"It's too dangerous." Damon said shaking his head.
"I'm a vampire, I'll be fine. And you've been working with me- it's good practice." I said trying to persuade him.

"Fine, Fine, Fine." He said shaking his head and getting in the front seat of the car.

"So what animal do you think it was?" I asked getting in back seat.

Damon gave Stefan a smile before looking back at me.

"Vampire." He said looking down at his phone for updates.

"Oh." I said gulping and looking out the window.

I knew that I had to practice for bigger battles, but this was my first time investigating a vampire attack. I was a little nervous.

We pulled up and parked across the street where yellow caution tape marked the area of the murder.

Damon stepped over the tape and started walking inside to see if there were clues.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." An officer told us.

"We are allowed back here and you are going to tell us all of you know about the situation." Damon compelled him looking deep into his eyes.

He nodded his head and led up to the back where I saw a body on the ground with bite marks all over, not just the neck.

"Joseph Stall was the manager of the grill and was just minding his own business. Then a waiter came back here and it was too late. I asked if he saw any suspicious behavior and he showed me this." The officer said showing us a video from the security cameras.

A woman with long blonde hair, strutted with high heels clicking each time she stepped to the back room. She grabbed the manager and sucked every single last drop of blood out of him.

Stefan couldn't stop watching until his eyes grew surprised but not relieved.

"We don't know who she is, but we are hoping to find out." He said before walking outside.

"Who is that Stefan?" Damon asked looking at Stefan's eyes widen.

Stefan shook his head and then answered, "Rebekah Mikaelson. Also known as...my ex-girlfriend."


"So you are telling me that Klaus's sister is in town killing innocent people for the fun of it?" Elena asked pacing around the room.

"We need to figure out what she wants and why she is here, then we can compromise with her." Damon said tapping his index finger on his chin.

"When was the last time you saw her?" I asked Stefan.

"1922." He replied with a funny look on his face.
"At a poker restaurant in Vegas." He continued.

"So it's been almost a century and you haven't spoken, this should be easy." Damon said sarcastically.

"Why is she here in Mystic Falls?" I asked Stefan.

"Because I need you silly. I need you." I heard from the front door that had slowly opened.

Stefan turned around and looked her right in the eyes.

Her pupils dilated twenty times bigger before she snapped out of it and walked towards me.

"You are a vampire, doppelgänger, twin, and your best friend is a witch. It doesn't get much better than that." She said touching my chin lightly before Damon rose up and grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch her." He commanded harshly.

"Oh and is this your boyfriend? Didn't know she was tied down with another vampire. Huh! You learn something new everyday." She said giving a shrug.

"Why do you need Abby?" Elena asked getting impatient.

"Klaus has my brother locked in a coffin and it's been this way for centuries. I'm trying to persuade him into opening it with a little gift." She said circling around me and Damon.

"He won't want me since I'm immortal." I hissed at her.

"That's where you are wrong. Your blood is still doppelgänger blood, so he still can make hybrids. So come with me." She said trying to grab my arm but Damon grabbed her's first.

"You aren't taking her anywhere." He said shaking his head.

"Oh Damon, you shouldn't have done that." She said knocking in a pillar of the stairs and snapping it in half.

Without hesitating a moment she stabbed him in the stomach.

"Damon!" I screeched catching him in my arms.

Stefan sprinted over and held Rebekah against the wall in a choke-hold.

"Why can't you take me?" Elena asked confused-like.

"Because he's tired of Elena." She said still stuffed against the wall.

Without effort she escaped his hold and snapped his neck before running to Elena and snapping her's.

She kicked Damon out of my grasp and threw me across the room towards the front door.

"It wouldn't hurt if you would just listen in the first place." She said walking towards me.

"I'll go with you, just don't hurt anyone else." I whispered feeling the bruises slowly disappear and the cracked bones glue together.

"Get up, we have no time to waste." She commanded and walked out the door.

I heard Damon stir as I ran out the door.


We walked inside of the Lockwood's house.

"Why are we here?" I asked trying to walk in but getting stuck at the door.

"Oh yeah, you need to be invited in. So do I." Rebekah said rolling her eyes.

"Klaus! I have something for you!" She yelled inside waiting for his reply.

"Why don't you both come in." He said in monotone.

Klaus sat on his throne that drowned in dead, blood-sucked bodies.

"Where's Tyler? He was just at my house a week ago." I said getting nervous and gulping.

"He's fine, love. Tyler! Come in here." Klaus called to the kitchen.

Tyler walked in and looked me up and down carefully.

"What is she doing here?" He asked giving a face full of disgust.

"She's part of the plan. All we need now is a witch and a human." Klaus said giving a wink at Tyler. He fell to the ground unconscious.

"What are you doing?" I asked running over and lifting his head up.

"Rebekah, bring me the Bennett witch, and Matt Donivan. This should be fun." He demanded before giving a cocky laugh.

Then Rebekah shot three vervain bullets in my back before I blacked out.

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