7 - boyfriend

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Mafu didn't really say much on their walk back to his home since the albino was internally still freaking about over Amatsuki's assumptions.

However, Soraru couldn't help his curiosity.

"What is sex and a boyfriend?" He bluntly asked, making Mafu stop in his tracks and stare at him with wide eyes. Soraru stopped, too, looking just as confused as MafuMafu did. Though, the albino's face was quickly turning as red as his eyes.

"It's- uhm-" he started, not wanting to avoid answering the other's question but at the same time, he didn't even know where to begin to explain.

"Don't cats... when a cat gets with another cat, don't they do that?" Mafu asked, hoping this could start off simple and he could explain it in a way the other understood. He then continued to walked, looking away from Soraru because it only made him more flustered.

"Get together... to fight?" Soraru asked back, clearly misunderstanding. "Or get together to kill?" He added. "I've done that, then. I've gotten with another cat and we fought each other," he said, smiling to himself. Mafumafu let out a strangled sound.

"Are you saying you killed a cat?!" Mafu shrieked, getting a bit horrified when Soraru casually put his hands into the hoodie's pockets and looked away.

"I didn't say that. Don't change the subject. I want to know what that guy was talking about. He said he'll kill me if I'm using you for sex and I want to know what that means," Soraru asked again, trying to clarify and he hoped he would get a proper answer now.

"His name is Amatsuki, and..." Mafu really did not know how to answer. "It's... well, a boyfriend... when you really like someone and they make you happy, you date them. Dating means you two are together and feel affection towards each other? I can't explain that, I've never dated..." Mafu sighed and looked thoughtful.

"Sex is... supposed to be for pleasure, I guess. Like... how animals mate? I can't really explain that either, but usually you do that with someone you're dating," He was blushing even brighter now, getting embarrassed at the topic considering he had never really talked about it or explained it.

"Oh. So to make babies?" Soraru asked, looking as if he understood. "I think I get it. I've never dated anyone or had sex, then. Why does he think I'm doing that with you?" Soraru continued with his blunt questions, trying to understand it since he was trying to fit in. He didn't even see a problem with Amatsuki assuming things, but Mafu did, he wanted to understand why it was so bad. However, Mafumafu didn't think it could get any more awkward but Soraru was making it worse for him with every question.

"I kind of want to know that, too... why Amachan would think we're dating... I guess since we were standing so close? I can't tell," Mafu rambled before sighing loudly. He put on a smile, however, looking to Soraru for the first time since the conversation began. "We shouldn't worry about it. When I go back to school I'll just tell him he's wrong, that's all!" The albino said cheerfully.

Somehow, this didn't feel right to Soraru.

"But what if I wanted to date you?" He asked casually, looking curiously to MafuMafu who once again got flustered as they arrived at his home. He nearly dropped his bag of groceries as he had to do a double take to the other.

"I don't think you understand what you're saying!" He immediately said, beyond flustered at this point. No one had ever even had a crush on him, he never had gotten a girl to so much as look at him, so he couldn't believe Soraru genuinely meant that. He was telling himself the other just didn't really understand it because of his poor explanation. Maybe even because Soraru was a cat previously, and cats didn't have a concept of dating and all.

There's no way, the albino thought as he unlocked the door and went inside, making sure to take off his shoes and the cat boy just copied him. He watched as Soraru took off the beanie and his ear immediately stood up, twitching a few times.

"But I like you and you make me happy. Why wouldn't I like you? I don't live in a box anymore because of you," Soraru's blunt attitude once again allowed him to casually admit his feelings, much to Mafumafu's dismay.

"I-I think you really don't get it! You're probably just thankful to me, r-right? Of course you'll like someone who helped you, but I really don't think you want to date me. Please stop saying that, Soraru-san!!" Mafu shouted, covering his bright red face and turning away. He distracted himself by going to put away the groceries, hoping the conversation was at it's end, but the other clearly didn't know when to quit.

"I am thankful. I don't get why that means I couldn't date you. Humans are really weird. If I liked another cat I would just tell them so. I think cats date, too. I've seen ones with a close relationship and totally thought they must be together in a close way, so I'm pretty sure I understand the dating thing. I want to be close to you, too, like those cats are with each other," he tried to explain, crossing his arms as his tail swayed. "I really don't get it... but I like you," he insisted.

Mafumafu was finally left speechless.

Soraru only tilted his head at him, waiting for Mafu to say anything at all.

After awhile, Mafu looked to him, his eyes a bit teary. It startled the raven haired male.

"...Do you really like me enough to date me? That's really serious, you know... don't joke around with me. Do you mean it?" Mafumafu asked a bit desperately, wanting clarification. He didn't want it to be fake, because truth be told, he wouldn't mind dating Soraru at all. Despite still being part cat, he found his quirks like his tail cute or how he was curious about everything and anything. Mafu was sure he no longer cared about how weird it was to be living with Soraru, so he surely wouldn't mind dating.

The cat boy nodded, looking completely serious. Though his own heart beat increased with how serious Mafumafu looked, Soraru was sure about what he was saying. He didn't know if his words were the right ones to get his feelings across, but he wanted to stay with Mafu as long as he could.

"... O-okay. Okay! Okay!!" Mafu suddenly became his usual happy self, hugging Soraru tightly and smiling at him as he sniffed. "From now on you're my boyfriend! I won't let you change your mind. I-I'll try my best so you don't get tired of me," Mafu mumbled as Soraru hugged him back. Although the raven haired didn't quite get the significance as Mafu did, they were both happy.

Mafumafu was already thinking about telling Amatsuki that he suddenly did have a boyfriend, though, not a college student one. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a faint sound, and he realized as Soraru was hugging him, that he was slightly purring, too.

"Eh?! Are you purring?!" Mafu shouted, making the other glare.

"Of course not," Soraru said, his cheeks a faint pink color. "Don't make things up. I wouldn't do that to you. Gross," he acted disgusted, turning away. He was actually beyond embarrassed that Mafu heard him purr. The albino however just laughed, quickly catching on that the other was a major tsundere. He didn't mind it, though, it just made him more happy.

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