Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Not so good day

Sandara's POV

Parks' University

Walking down this hallway with hands on my pocket, with an air of superiority in my aura, the students in our school starts to moved away from me. I think they notice I'm not in the mood, aye? Psh. Poor stupidents. In my way, I saw two girls blocking my way, bickering about some nonsense guy that I don't even know who the hell is.

(Clown girl1)"kyaaaa!you know GD?! He look so obscenely handsome yesterday when he fighted at the K.U!"
(Clown girl2) " oh those ugly goons of the other school dared to fight the great G-Dragon!!!!!! Wow!such a dreamer!dared to think that they could defeat them.

I stop in front of them. They are busy arguing that they didn't notice me standing infornt of them. My left eyebrow rose as I stand impatiently.

"He was so coooooool that i—" the first CG (Clown Girl) stop mid sentence when she notice me standing infornt of them. She shoved the CG 2, to stop her form commenting anything.

"Go. You're blocking my way." I said in a cold demure.

"We're sorry Queen D!" They bowed after and left. Then I continue my way to our headquarters. I slam the door open. And the girls words are hang in the air. It was Bom who recover first and jump from her chair to welcome me.

"Hey Ssantokii! What's with the frown?" She said and greet me with a cheek to cheek kiss.

"Some stupid things my mom wants me to do. Wish!" I said while we walked towards the girls on the couch.

"Dara Unnieee! How's your day?" Minzy ask me.

"Not fine." I said.

"Dara. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine." CL said then offer me a strawberry to lighten my mood.

My mood instantly change 360 degrees. I happily accepted the strawberry and get the whipped cream and some ice cream in the mini fridge on the kitchen. I think my eyes can turn to sparkles if it even possible. I slump on the couch and dig in happily. And they watch me with that certain look.

Minzy sigh in disbelief. "Whut?! I'm eating! This is life I need to live." I said while munching my foods
"Unnie I can't believe your pissed a little while ago. And now you're munching your food like you don't have any problem at all."

"Did I have a problem?" I ask curiously. My mind is blank of what is suppose to be my problem. It's only filled with how delicious these foods are in front on me.

3rd person's Pov

CL just faced palm herself couldn't believe In there unnie's childish act, she look at Minzy and as if they had a silent agreement she nod. Minzy walked towards Dara and snatch the food and run before Dara could say a word CL and Bom grabbed Dara before she could chase there little maknae. Bom then nudge Dara for her to remember what was really her intent to talk to them.

And Dara regain herself again. She look them with uncertain eyes. She needs to tell them her problem. That she may need to leave their school for that stupid arrange mirraige thing.  

"Girls. I think I'm about to leave you guys." She said with a soft voice and watery eyes.
"WHAT?!/WHY?!" The three girls shouted at the same time.

"It's about mom and thier stupid decisions."

"We will go with you Unnie. Whether you like it or not." CL said with conviction on her voice.

"YEAH! No one will be left behind! We will be complete no matter what happens!" Bom said.

"Alright you guys can go with me I know I can't even stand a day without you girls."

Bom clap her hands. And Minzy can't stop grinning and jumping. While CL just looked bored sitting on the couch contented that Dara approved their decision.

"So when will we transfer?" Minzy asked.
"Are their any cute guys?!" Bom looked at Dara hopefully.
CL just shook her head to their oldest.

" The sooner the better, any suggestions where will we transfer?" Dara said.

"K.U! THERE ARE SO MANY CUTE BOYS THERE!" Bom suggested with a wide grin.

Minzy then smacked Bom's head at her reason.
"If you say so then K.U it is."Dara said in agreement.

Hope I can hide from that stupid agreement my parents did.

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