Chapter 34

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(Warning too many grammatical error and spelling)

"Seungri's Pov"

Why are the people so silent today?

As we walked inside the K.U all of the students are acting all weird.. murmurs could be heard..I looked at my Hyungs but they acted like kind of nothing so..we just continued walking...

But we all stopped our tracks when some group of students started to gather around,due to my curiosity..I harshly grabbed someone's shoulder.

At first he looked at me annoyingly but Once he got to look at my face he went pale...and let us went through..tssk..

When we look ahead, our body went numb shock could be scene in our faces...No way!!!!

Fucking way!!!!

Is that my cat!!!!!my mind scream...I slap my face really hard..and it's helling hurts!!!

Im not dreaming...

I looked at my Hyungs...And GD hyung...

He also looked so shock....

And by the minute Hyung started walking to Sabrina Noona...

"GD's Pov"

At first I didn't mind that some students acted weirdly...but as we walked through the hall way...My body went stiff..

When I saw a very Beautiful Girl..not just heart went wild when I darted my eyes at her..that very familiar eyes..

So I walked closer and when she tilted her system went heart went could went out of my body...sounds like some kind of gay but heck!!!!I don't care...that girl is my Baby Girl!!!!!

F*ck...I was stunned at my place when she looked coldly at me damn those piercing eyes!!!cold sweat run down my neck...Heck Kwon Jiyong your totally screwed,pull yourself together....I scolded myself.

I was just  about to go to her"Let's go"Sab said in a cold and demeanor voice,which made me halt....I heard some giggle and it came from my little sister looks like I'm going to be one of her amusement in these coming days...

I looked at Sabrina's retrieving back...I could not let my anger gets me!

I didn't even noticed that the four is already behind me"This is going to be a difficult one,I must say"Youngbae commented and I just let out a deep sigh..

"Oppa!!!"A very annoying voice shriek,D#mn this child!!! can't I even get some peaceful mind?!!!

She instantly grabbed my hand unlocking it with hers...Due to this my blood instantly went up...Im hecking really annoyed by now!...."Oppa stop making that scarry face"Jaehyung said with a pout but I completely ignored her and harshly let go of her dirty hand .....

Im still angry at her...

"3rd person Pov"

As the girls arrived at their room many of their classmates went in complete silent....and many couldn't even believed on what they are seeing...

"Where are the nerds?"One of their classmates ask but they didn't even bother on her....

As they took their seats..the four of them didn't mind the attention at them and just focused on their phones....

"It looks like there's going to be a war"Someone murmured,Which made Dara to look at her Coldly..but the girl didn't mind Dara,infact she smiled at her...Dara then remembered this classmates of hers it's one of those students that didn't mind them thus the fact that they were nerd...

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