Dornwhich High

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A/N: Fair warning, I wrote this when I was like 14... enjoy! —

The harsh winds of the remote town of Dornwhich howls as it's local students tightly cling their jackets close to their torsos. They hustle and bustle through the gates and down the corridors, their wet feet leaving scattered footprints on the freshly cleaned floors.

There had been constant, heavy rain for two weeks now and most regions of Dornwhich had lost their electricity, leaving many houses in town, dark and eerie – Including the dill high-school that was placed perfectly in the middle of it all.

Walking with the crowd into the school grounds was a petite girl in a blue slicker and wet boots, who was tugging her backpack tightly on her shoulders. The rain had yet to stop, but you could tell it was softening as it tapped rhythmically on the hood of the girl's waterproof jacket, pattering soothingly to her ears and reminding her of rain dancing on her bedroom window on a cold morning.

The girl in the blue slicker was Nina O'Donnell, and she had just turned seventeen the month before.

Her older brother by a year, Grayson – known to most of the students in Dornwhich High as one of the most popular boys – walked closely beside her as he listened to his music through his earphones rather than the rain in which dropped softly into his dark hair.

The siblings didn't particularly resemble one another, other than their dark hair and the way they both smiled. They looked much more like distant relatives, rather than brother and sister. Grayson's olive skin differed strikingly against Nina's own pale tone and her soft-green eyes outshine his which were a deep brown that flickered golden specks in the sunlight.

Though, Nina was very well known in the small populated school, Grayson had a certain level of popularity Nina could only amount to by being known as, 'Grayson's little sister.' Whilst she had her much loved, group of friends in her own year level, Grayson had many in every year.

He was best friends with George Summers, the most desired boy in the small town of Dornwhich, and as Grayson left her side, she watched as he instead strode to George and his pack of friends, giving them each a playful punch on their shoulders, as some girls surrounded them, who Nina could not match their names to their perfect faces.

There was one girl she knew, all to well, though.

Nina averted her eyes as soon as the most popular girl scanned her eyes into Nina's own, which were laced with hatred and disgust.

Jessica Sullivan.

She had such hatred burdened down for Nina since second grade, when she accidentally tripped Jessica on the playground. A long and brooding feud. One that everyone seemed, would last forever.

She casts her harsh brown eyes onto Nina, flicking her fake eyelashes up and down, taking in her form before her over-glossed lips purse into a line as she cocks her hip to the side. Her blonde hair was poker-straight and pulled back into a low pony-tail. She wore a full face of make up everyday, the pink eyeshadow never doing any justice for her dark eyes.

But, guys didn't care about her pink, glittery eyelids, they only showed interest in her because they knew she'd suck them off at the back of the bike shed, or because of her perky breasts that were shoved into a push up bra.

Her off-the-shoulder T-shirt displayed the hot pink straps, that sat next to a couple of fading hickies.

Hickies that Grayson had given her a couple of days before.

Nina felt sick and focussed on the flopping of her untied laces.

Though, Jessica displayed such an explicit exterior. Everyone still knew she was a virgin. Boys flocked and bittered over one another dreaming of taking her while she was still pure. She was every guys sexual fantasy and when news had quickly spread that she and Grayson were now an item, their dreams had been crushed.

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