Deals With A Demon

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Adrenaline floods Nina's system like it's on an intravenous drip - right into her blood at full speed. All the colour drained from her face, as she became white as a ghost and rigid. Completely frozen and clammy with a cold sweat, Nina stood staring at the shadow; shaking, stammering, unable to speak and wide eyed.

She didn't dare look behind to the figure it belonged to.

"I have waited all of eternity for you." A deep, stranger's voice spoke from behind Nina's small frame.

The fear runs up her spine and dances along her pale skin in goosebumps that covered her entire body. She moved in slow and hesitant movements, turning her neck first and her body followed as she was met with the stranger that stood in her home.

The cold look that reflected on the figure's face gave her shudders. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and shiny. His eyes were a deep emerald that were so dark they looked almost black.

Face strong and defined, his features looked inhuman as a prominent jaw curved gracefully around the strength of his neck that showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body. His pink lips formed a small smirk and his hands were tightly closed around each-other behind his back as he leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen. He seemed to have no sense of care that he stood uninvited.

Nina would never forget the evil glint that performed ballet in his dark eyes.
The air suddenly smelt of blood. Of danger.

Once again, fear found her. It spoke to her in its cackling voice. It told her legs to go weak, her stomach to lurch and her heart to ache. She wanted to scream, but only a weak cry came out her tightened throat.
She wanted to run, to hide, but her feet stood still, like they had been cemented to the floor.

The man tilted his head and poked his bottom lip out in mock to the terrified girl, and at that very moment, Nina knew the stranger had no good intentions.
Her words spoke before her mind could have even created them.

"Wh-Who are you?" The fright didn't hide in her voice which quivered and stuttered.

The man pushed himself off the doorframe suddenly and his lean legs carried himself over to Nina. He stopped when he was close enough to hide a lock of her dark brown hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek as he did so in soft touches.

His fingers were cold. His strokes were slow.

Nina flinched and fixed her gaze away from his stare. She looked away into the kitchen and tried to focus her attention to the sharp knife that had been thrown to the floor by her Grandmother moments before. It taunted her as it sat out of reach, blocked by the stranger who stood too close to her.

He didn't respond to her question and Nina took a hesitant step backwards, out of his cool touch that still lingered along her skin once it was gone. "What are you doing here?

Her eyes met his once again and the evil still resided beneath the emerald as he smiled.

"You're a curious one, aren't you?"

Nina was taken aback, she opened her mouth to speak but failed to find the right words to say. The man spoke again, cutting her out of her thoughts.

"You always have been." He added, searching her face for a reaction, but she only etched her eyebrows together in confusion. He began to slowly circle Nina, his eyes looking her up and down.

She repeated her words.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"

The man continued to do laps around Nina, intimidating her even more, like a lion would taunt it's prey before slaughtering it. His smirk never faded, only became more prominent as his tongue peeked out for a moment to lick his bottom lip.

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