Nina O'Donnell

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The death of Nina O'Donnell was shocking to the residents of Dornwhich, but her actions were even more so.

Whispers had began to spread throughout the small town quickly after three more dead bodies were discovered and when the statement from the police department had been plastered on every Dornwhich newspaper, all the towns people were shocked to think that the quiet girl they once knew as Nina O'Donnell had been a murderer.

Some people say she did it only to resent her hatred for their beloved town. Some whispered that Nina O'Donnell had only murdered her brother and had hung herself at Riverside bridge to return to her mother who had died there too. But the most popular theory was that she was insane, much like her grandmother who hadn't left her home since the first newspaper had hit the stands.

When the news had finally made it's way to the rest of the world, Nina's school photo was plastered everywhere next to the bold words of 'Ruthless Teenage Killer.'

It seemed Nina had gotten what she always wanted, to one day escape the small town of Dornwhich.

On a gloomy, wet day the rain comes in steady and soft drops, falling from a sky of grey velvet. It washes the world, quenching the soil and the trees whom depend on it.

In a small home on the Eastside of Dornwhich, two teenage lovers are entwined with each other, their virginity no longer being apart of their identity as they gave it to each other willingly.

The female below the male, wraps her legs around his torso and moans into the gentle kiss he lays on her exposed neck. When she opens her eyes, she is met with the sight of an intruder who stands menacingly in the corner of her small bedroom – The shadows carving his face in a ghoulish gleam.

The girl screams a piercing scream and the boy stops his movements and looks to where her fearful eyes stared to. The demon then came into view and suddenly tore the male from her and snapped his neck in a quick twist, dropping him limply to the floor.

The intruder heaved angrily at the teenager who laid in her bed, the bedsheets now bunched up to cover her naked figure as she wailed.

"Please don't kill me!"

Harry looked into her eyes of pale blue, wishing they were instead a forest green. Her black hair that was poker straight contrasted differently to the wavy, deep brown he loved. The demon growled, his eyes turning black as he closed in on her, his knuckles turning white as he clenched them to his sides. The girl flinched, moving away until her back hit the headboard as she cried.

"Please!" She sobbed. "I'll do anything!"

Harry halted in his steps, his eyes turning green once more as his lips shifted into a sinister smirk.

All anger leaves his body as he unclenches his fists and flicks his eyes up and down her covered body - as the calm takes over his body, the heavy rain that thrashed against the bedroom window seized.

When he speaks his response, it comes warm and velvety in his deep voice, but the evil intentions he holds sit heavily behind it.



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