Do Or Die

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Nina felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in her abdomen whilst the tension grew in her face and limbs. Her mind replayed the Sargent's words. Breathing became more rapid, more shallow and in these moments before her personal hurricane, she could only see the hint of Grayson that resided in the strangers brown eyes.

She gripped the the arms of the hospital chair she sat in, trying to stop the primal surge to flee but her efforts were useless under the spell her mind began to curse her body with.

In seconds she stood, kicking the chair back and the Sargent, who was indeed her brother, stood too.

He tried to calm her down but his words were like a voice muffled beneath water, she couldn't hear him and she didn't want to. Her only movement was the trembling of her limbs and the salty tears that dripped down her face, darkening her shirt.

Though, she had blocked out all the sounds around her, she could still hear each of her breaths rasping, short and quick. They sounded the same as they once did when she was little suffering an asthma attack. But, this wasn't an asthma attack. It was a panic attack, and it was much worse. More painful, more uncontrollable.

The room soon began to feel smaller, the pale walls closing in on her slowly. Nina turns to the  hospital window, the outside was swirling into hues of yellow's and pink's. A sunset was beginning to form.

The room she was in, felt like a cage and Nina felt she couldn't breath. She felt like she was stuck in this jail cell, needing to be freed like the birds were, that flickered past the window.

Her feet carried her out of her cell before she could even fathom just what she was doing.

Nina rushed through the hospital corridors and outside into freezing cold air, gasping for oxygen to enter her lungs; but with every ragged inhale, she gags as no air seems to make it's way passed her throat.

Everything is spinning and it feels as if the ground is melting under her feet. She collapses onto her hands and knees, the cement grazing her palms and tearing holes into her pants.

The air outside was much denser, much more reliable as she began to breath slowly once again, only watching the fog in the cold air that she caused with every short exhale. She can hear birds singing as they flew above the hospital gardens. They were free and she wasn't. They mocked and taunted her with their happy chirps, only making Nina sob louder. But, the bird's lullabies and the girl's sobs were soon drowned out by the storm that began to brew quickly and without warning.

Raindroplets fell slowly and then all at once upon Nina, wishing to wash her cries away with it's own.

She can hear a voice, but it sounds distant and muffled. Her heart flips and threaten's to pierce out of her chest when strong hands are wrapped around her biceps, pulling her up from her place on the cement floor. Nina's shivering and crying frame is then pushed into a warm chest and the man's navy uniform begins to be painted with her tears as he pulls them both undercover, away from the storm.

"I'm sorry." Zayn hushes into the girl's hair, which he caressed as it hid against his heart. He didn't know what he was supposed to say. Flashbacks of earlier today when Nina sat beside him in his truck, saying the same words to him, replayed in his mind.

Nina gags at the scream that threatened to erupt. Her body is shaking uncontrollably. She can feel Zayn's hands gently hold onto her but she shrugs him off, taking a short step back. She looks to his face and into his eyes as he stares back into her own, carefully, as would a child to an animal, trying not to scare it away. She can see it. She can see the Grayson in him, maybe even a little bit of herself too.

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