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Time flowed like cement. She checked the clock that hung on the wall for the time. A minute had passed since she last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed.

Sitting there with nothing to stare at but a wall with chipped cream paint was excruciatingly dull and the painful throb that pounded behind Nina's eyes didn't help. She had already eaten the mandarin she brought to class, the peals of it sitting on the desk, taunting her. Should've eaten it slower, maybe that would've made time pass. She cursed herself.

Nina sat at the back of her English class in the same place as she did the day before. Tapping the school desk repetitively with the end of her pencil she stared out of the window, wishing she was anywhere but the dusty classroom. The lesson could've been better if her friend Ben would've shown up. But he was still nowhere to be seen. She ripped her gaze from the pale wall and looked to her teacher whom sat on her desk, pretending to type something important. Making sure of the teacher's lack of attention, Nina quickly pulls her phone from her jean pocket and holds it secretly in her lap as she types a message, her fingers clicking the buttons with such speed that every second her eyes would flick back up to the front, only to return back to the screen.

- Hey. Where are you?

She slid the phone back to it original place of her back pocket and hoped to get a response from Ben soon. The total of seven seconds that took to do relieved Nina of her dying boredom that only came back again as soon as the message was sent.

Ben was a friend Nina could always have a laugh with. He was the perfect combination of incredibly witty and humorous mixed with a large dose of clumsiness. He was lanky and tall and would often trip over his own limbs. He once hated himself for his lack of tact to even the simplest of actions such as, walking; but he grew up to use them as an asset to make himself the jokester of his year level. Though he wasn't particularly good looking with his pale skin that was littered with freckles and his hair that matched the mandarin peals on the desk before her; people could always fall in love with his personality.

Nina would have never guessed him and Sophia being a pair.

The boredom was back again and this time her eyes began to feel heavy and the silvery tinge beneath them began to sting. She didn't get much sleep last night, not after the fight she caused.

She should'nt have said anything, she should've known the outcome her words would create.

Grayson stormed to his room after she called his girlfriend such a vulgar word and Nina was left to stand alone listening to the sorrowful music her grandmother played; which didn't help the amount of guilt she felt.

Grayson didn't get dropped off this morning with Nina. Trying to avoid her at all costs, she figured.

Grayson was never the one for conflict, more the type to just walk away and make the other individual feel pity for him.

It was working.

The silence of the classroom was interrupted by the creaking of the heavy wooden door. It opened slowly revealing the bald principle that Nina could never remember the name of. He smiled to all the students who lifted their heads to the sudden noise and proceeded to lean over the teacher's desk, whispering something to her before scanning his eyes back to the students. 

"Nina." He smiled, stopping his eyes at the girl in the back. "Can you come with me for a moment?"

Nina glances upward, her mouth pursed but then turned slightly open and loose. Her eyes are fixed looking at the man as if he never said anything in the first place. She blinks again, refocusing and nods, feeling uneasy as everybody's gaze is now upon her. 

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