One Hell Of A Party.

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Each crunch echoed loudly with every footstep that crushed the fallen leaves of the forest floor. They sounded overly loud in her own ears, like the booming heartbeat of a condemned prisoner.

The puddles that covered the earth's surface in a heavy coat had seeped through her shoes, chilling her toes beyond the point of pain and on to numbness. The graze of gravel then sounded to her ears as she reached her driveway.

Nina's house stood unchanged at the end of the gravel road, and the darkness pressed in on her as she fought the urge to turn around. She didn't want to go home - she wanted to run to the end of the world and just fall off. There was no point of living if her life was to never belong to her in the first place. Her house was no longer her home. Her home was now the warm embrace of Hell himself.

The sadness flowed through her veins and deadened her mind. It was a poison to her spirit - a virus to her system, as it began to kill off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained.

Nina's world was lost to her and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

Inside of the home, music still soared through the air like an bird taking flight. It was faint and hollow. It played as if it had no knowingness to her pain and sorrow. Nina didn't care one bit to remove her mud-clad shoes upon entry. She didn't care if she left footprints of soil against the hardwood floor.

She made it to her bedroom once again, dominated by a profound sadness, fatigue engraved on her worn face. Only then, did she start to unknot the laces of her shoes, but her shaking fingers failed to do so. With a frustrated cry, she kicked them off, not bothering to untie them as she then threw them against her white wall, coating it in a strip of dirt.

She then shrugged herself out of her raincoat, painting her room in droplets of leftover rain.

The sorrow grew more profound with each second she spent in her room as her Grandmother's music softly played. Nina's empty sobs could barely overpower it's rhythm. The piano's notes resembled a clock's steady ticking, counting down the seconds until she went mad.

As Nina cries, her bottom lip quivers. Her eyes become a deeper viridescent under the sheen of water and to try and stop her loud sobs, she begins to chew the inside of her mouth. She flinches as her teeth meet with already torn flesh.

Then, pulling at her filthy clothes in a nervous habit, her lip wobbles as the soil that clung to her material only reminded her further of what had happened in the forest moments ago. She needed to get rid of the memories before they broke her even further.

Walking into her small ensuite and beginning to undress, Nina threw her clothes into the trashcan that sat under her leaking sink. She then stepped into the shower, her toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. Her mind was in shreds; His evil grin had hijacked her thoughts.

She turns the shower dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops that darkened her hair and trickled down her back. Water burns the cuts on her face, and Nina's eyes fall closed over and over, each time showing her the memories in quick flashes.

She could still feel his warm breath upon her body and her skin began to feel raw with how hard she had scrubbed the flesh where his lips had abused - she couldn't bare lick her own as she was scared she would still taste him.

No matter how hard she scrubbed her body with the shower towel, she still couldn't remove the soil that sat beneath her nails.

Once done, she dries her body carelessly, not bothered by the areas she had missed that stuck to the fabric of her dressing gown as it was thrown on. Upon looking in the mirror, she gets lost in her reflection. No longer could she see that inquisitiveness, that desire, that fire in her eyes. All that remained was the deceiving hollow soul that reflected in the stained glass; The bruised marks upon her neck, leaving no room to see her true self anymore.

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