Virgin Sins

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Warning: Graphic scenes that may be triggering.

When she saw his figure, rationality played a nonexistent role. It was as if he never bled the deep crimson that coated her clothes and skin, as he stood among the forest trees in the distance, his warm brown eyes stared into Nina's own before he then turned and began to run away.

Grayson looked so impossibly alive and real. The only part of him that looked deathly was the faint pale tinge to his once golden skin. Nina knew he wasn't real. She knew Grayson was no longer alive; but that didn't stop her from running after him.

She sprinted and mimicked his unnatural pace, her voice scratching her throat as she calls his name. The cold humidity of the forest made her feel numb and suffocated. Her clothes and hair, slick with perspiration and rainfall, clung to her skin.

A terrified sweat rolled down her skin in thick, salty beads. She could feel her heart throbbing inside her chest. Her flesh felt like it was roasting as her feet began to loose rhythm, often tripping on wooden twines and snapped twigs.

She settled to stumbling along behind him as fast as she could but as she began to slow, he seemed to only quicken.

Nina was vaguely aware of a stinging in her ribs. She was exhausted but she never stopped to regain her breath even though her lungs felt like they would soon burst. The duffle bag was still hanging over her shoulder, thrashing around with every step she took.

Grayson soared off into the forest distance, his figure becoming fainter and smaller with every quick stride his legs made.

Thick tears were streaming down Nina's face as she cried his name once more but it was cut off as she tumbled over her own feet, crashing down to the forest floors in a thud.

Her chest heaved and her breathing was sporadic. Nina's hands clenched the dirt around her, trying to pick herself back up, but when her fingertips grasped gravel and not soil, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She lifted her head up and was bewildered to find herself no longer in wet woodland, but on the driveway of an unfamiliar house.

Nina's eyesight began to blur and become spotty as she stood too fast, resulting in a head-rush. All she can see right now is loose forms with colour and Nina desperately needs the world to come back into view before she can make her next move.

As a loud slam coming from the front door of the house sounds to her ears, it knocks any sense of adrenaline into her body once more and her surroundings soon become clear.

For the most part she just freezes, her heart beating fast with unease as she tries to find any sense of where she is, but everything from the home at the end of the driveway she stood on to the empty road behind her, was unknown.

Her eyes scanned the house which looked freshly painted and new with it's tall glossy windows and clean porch front. Nina had no recollection of beginning to make her way to its front door and when her hand twisted the shiny, silver knob, she didn't think twice before walking into it.

The home was quiet and clean, her muddy shoes leaving dirty footprints on it's marble floors. The chandelier that hung on the ceiling of the entry glimmered with the gloomy rays that made their way past the tall windows. The home had no comparison to Nina's own and when her fingertips brushed the silver railing of the twining staircase, a piercing cry for help bounced off the walls from upstairs.

Nina dropped the duffle bag in surprise and began to run her way to the owner of the piercing scream.

The house was huge and unfamiliar, as she got lost within it's long hallways as many doors sat along it, the only way Nina didn't get lost was the screams that guided her to a door on the far left of the home.

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