Jessica Sullivan

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The corpse was a canvas of skin, carved by the cuts that scattered her body. Her blood was it's paint.

The body of Jessica Sullivan laid on the floor, limp and lifeless. Her glossy, blonde hair was scattered in multiple places, stained with dried blood; Her blood. Jessica's deep brown eyes, were wide open and her irises held a deep sadness. They seemed to stare frozen into Nina's own whilst her mouth hung open. She looked scared. She looked so impossibly, dead.

Nina turned away, as her stomach heaved at the sight before her. And the smell. The smell was the most disturbing thing Nina had ever inhaled. It was a blatant Jessica's heart had been cut straight from her body, and all too soon.

Nina's own, beating heart pounded as one thought continued to race through her mind. This was all her fault.

Rain washes Jessica's face of dirt and blood, droplets clinging to the false lashes she had put on for the party. Water poured into her bleeding wounds, overflowing the blood like a river to the ocean. The storm will help to wash away the scent of death from her body, but it will only linger to the grass where she laid.

When Nina's eyes fall upon Grayson's, she wished she hadn't have torn her gaze from the body, who everyone from the party began to huddle around. Grayson's silent weeping was worse than any cry or scream of the other party-goers. His eyes welled up with a sadness that Nina never thought he could possess. They showed his soul slowly being murdered by the sight of his girlfriend's dead body.

The silence of his cry was eerie, like he was scared to move, scared to make a sound. Nina wanted to scoop him up in her arms, like he had done to her moments ago, and take him home. She wanted pour love and comfort into him until he felt safe enough to cry out loud, to thrash or to scream.

Grayson never looks away from Jessica's corpse and Nina doesn't say anything as her mouth goes dry. She then clasps her hand into his. He doesn't remove her touch but he doesn't find any comfort from it either.

Nina and Grayson's clothes saunter in the soft rain, small pellets of water spitting on their heads as the remainder of the drops quench the scattered puddles decorating the asphalt path around their feet. Reflecting in one of the pools of rainwater, the familiar flash of police sirens are brought to Nina's attention.

She manages to lift her head up and she is met with the sight of multiple police officers beginning to break up the crime scene. They push all of the teenagers aside whilst yelling at them to go into the house. Grayson never moved, so neither did Nina.

It sent Nina into a fit of traumatic flashbacks, when she saw the familiar officer making his way over to the siblings. His siblings. Zayn looked into Nina's eyes, a silent message being sent through the cocoa brown. It was the demon who did this, there was no question to it.

Tearing his eyes from Nina and looking to Grayson, who payed him no attention, Nina could see the clockworks in his mind on in his facial expression as it softened when he looked to the boy who looked so much like himself.

His brother.

Zayn could see the baby brother he once had when he was eleven. He could see his Mother grinning down upon the two of them like she used to before she died. The pain alighted Zayn's face softer than the kisses his mother used to plant, and just as cold as the memories had turned. In this swirl of a rain-washed world, he wanted to hold onto the memories tighter and dwell on them for longer as he looked into Grayson's distant eyes. He wanted to turn the pages back and reside on the fine details of the life he once had, but he couldn't. He had to do his job. He had to stay strong.

He looked back to Nina and you could see hear the guilt in his tone. "How did you get here? Do you need a lift home?"

"My friends took me." She answered, her voice cracking at every syllable. Her mouth was as dry as a desert and her lips resembled old leather. Her hand that was wrapped tightly around Grayson's own, began to glisten in sweat. Zayn then clears his voice before speaking to Grayson, placing a reassuring hand upon his shoulder.

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