Cries Of The Wind

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Distance was all that mattered. Zayn wasn't stopping for anything and he sure as hell wasn't going to take his foot off the gas for a little rain which comes oblivious to the life it gives. The rain washes the world, quenching the roads and the vehicle that dashed through it.

As the car engine sung to the lone country roads, Zayn clenches his hands tightly around the wheel and often glances in his rear-view mirror, scared that the familiar blur of red and blue lights will come soaring behind him.

The hiss of the tyres over the smooth tarmac was lost under the pounding bass of Nina's heart that beat loudly in her chest and ears. Tear tracks sat beside crimson splatters among her cheeks and when Nina licks her dried lips, she preys that it is the salt of her tears and not her brother's blood she tastes.

"How do you kill it?" Zayn asks and when Nina turns to face him, she notices the way his hands are trembling upon the steering wheel. No matter how hard he clenches his fists, he cannot retain the whisper of fear that his bones somewhat dance to.

"I have no idea." She spoke, her voice hoarse.

Her words were true, Nina had no clue how to kill the demon, he was too powerful. She has seen the way he has teleported and the way he can cut and slash someone with such skill that reminds her of an artist's precise brush strokes.

All she knows is Harry doesn't feel empathy for his victims, or guilt for taking their lives which he claims belongs to him. Harry is a savour in his own rightful world as he cleans another's of the impurity it is plagued with.

Every villain is a hero in his own story, but in Nina's eyes this villain is no savour, he is a monster who has not one good bone in his body, only a rotten evil that courses his blood.

"Does he have any weaknesses?" Zayn asks Nina, not taking his eyes off the road before him.

The demon had long known that the key to everlasting victory was not to hit the victims weakest point, but to destroy all of them entirely. He is smart, and to him, every virtue is a sweet spot.

His tactic is to tear his victims morals into pieces before he rips apart their flesh and that is what he has done to Nina, but this time he has mistaken the end game of his victim.

There was only one thing that would've kept her walking into Harry's warm embrace, but now that the demon has killed Nina's weakness and reason to do so, which was Grayson, she has now only her freedom left to loose and she won't let the demon take that away from her as well.

She would never walk with a beast unless it was a crucial part of slaying it. Revenge is cold, power is an infection, money an illusion. The only real thing in this world is love and the demon can never know what it is. He does not wish to hurt Nina, but to cradle her for the rest of eternity. She wonders if Harry will fight back against his most prized possession if she vows not to love, but instead kill him.

"He's used to a pattern, someone sins, he kills them. He knows nothing but destruction and chaos. His strengths are only the knowledge of how to end a life, but with me he doesn't predict me to fight back. Maybe the uncertainty is a weakness?" Nina says, not truely believing her own words.

"Maybe, if we pretend that we are offering a deal, we can surprise him and try kill him instead?"

"– and hope he doesn't destroy us first?" Zayn breathes, finishing her sentence; his voice sounding nervous.

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