The Guitar Fic

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  MCR was practicing for a show, when Gerard looked up and realized Matt and Mikey were gone. Without the others noticing he got up and opened the door to the bedroom where he saw Matt and Mikey making out on the bed. He at first looked shocked, then got a small smirk one his face when Mikey turned around, "Gee!" Said Mikey, shocked at the sight of Gerard standing in the doorway "I-I..." Mikey stuttered, then, with what must have been the calmest face known to man, "threesome?" Gerard asked. Mikey looked at Matt, Matt shrugged, Mikey looked at Gerard, "uh..but we're brothers..." " that doesn't change how sexy you are" Gerard smirked, walking over to Mikey and Matt, still sitting close on the bed. He grabbed Mikey's belt buckle and pressed their foreheads together, and looked him in the eye, "you know you want it". Mikey felt a smile creeping onto his face, "I can't turn you down Gee" Gerard smiled and kissed him. "Gerard! How could you!?" Frank was now standing in the doorway slightly offended at the sight of his boyfriend kissing his own brother. Gerard looked at Frank, "foursome baby?" Frank was hesitant at first, he had never been in a foursome, only that one threesome with Gerard and Brendon. He blankly stared at Gerard for a few seconds "okay" he finally agreed, and put his arms around Gerard's neck from behind. Gee turned to Frank and threw him on the bed, and pulled off his shirt. Gerard kissed franks chest while Matt started pulling at Mikey's belt buckle. Frank was just about to pull off Gerard's pants, when a loud moan came from the other side of the room. They all turned to see Ray ominously sitting In the corner, staring at them, "Ray? What the fuck are you doing?" Yelled Matt. Then, Ray perked up, "how 'bout 5?" Mikey, who was not that shocked by his words at this point, "yeah okay, get over here bitch". Ray then hopped up from the corner and jumped on top of Frank, touching him. Gee was low key a bit jealous to see his guitarist on top of his boyfriend like that, but he new Frank would never leave him for Ray. Matt was surprised at how fast this had escalated, but he was relieved that this was everyone in the house, and no one else would be joining. He threw Mikey's shirt off and kissed his face while Frank grabbed Gerard's tie, and pulled himself into a sitting position, kissing him while pulling off the tie. Ray wrapped his arms around Frank from behind and kissed his neck, Gerard took note of Ray favoring Frank, and reminded himself to keep an eye on him. But Frank was not all that interested in Ray, in fact, he had secretly been waiting all day for Gee to be in the mood. Frank unzipped Gerard's pants and pulled out his dick, he, knelt down to suck it, giving Ray the opportunity to go after Franks asshole. Mikey leaned over to nibble Gee's earlobe, and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off. Matt kissing Mikey's back. Frank took Gerard's cock out of his mouth, "fuck me?" He asked, Ray pulled his face out of franks ass, and Gerard turned Frank around, and rubbed the tip of his penis, around the rim of his asshole, before penetrating him. Suddenly Ray remembered the whole reason why he'd been sitting in that corner all day, he jumped off the bed and ran into the band room, coming back a minute later with his guitar in hand. "What the hell are you doing with that guitar?" Demanded Mikey, "I wanted to fuck Frank with my guitar" said Ray, with a huge smile on his face, Frank looked up, "you want to do WHAT with that guitar?!?" Frank screamed disgusted at what he had heard. Gee stared at Ray with an angry, surprised, and disgusted look on his face. "You can't be serious" said Matt in a state of pure shock. Ray got up on the bed and pulled Frank away from Gerard, who was still in shock, Ray turned Frank around and began to slide the head of his guitar into franks asshole, which was already loose from Gerard's overly large cock. Frank gave Gee a look that said "help me", Gerard didn't know what to do, so he just stood there on his knees frozen, he looked shocked, almost about to cry, he didn't know how to handle his boyfriend getting stolen from him by a guitar. Matt and Mikey stared in disgust. Suddenly Franks face went from "help me" to a confused look, he realized It almost felt...good?,  the tuning knobs scratched the inside of his ass as Ray thrust the guitar in and and and out, "why the hell does this feel good? It's a fucking guitar" he thought to himself. Ray looked creepily satisfied by the whole thing. After about 15 minutes of the same thing, Ray pulled the guitar out of Frank, "that's all I needed" he said and walked out into the band room, putting his guitar back on the stand with out even washing it. They had all been extremely turned off by this, they looked at each other, "what. The. Fuck." Said Matt, when Gerard finally found his voice, he asked "are you okay, baby?" Frank looked at him, traumatized "h-he put the m-my ass?" He Clung onto Gee, not ever wanting to see Ray or that guitar again. They all agreed to book separate hotel rooms that night, frank, still traumatized, wanted to share with Gee, who immediately agreed. They had a show the next day, but non of them were in the mood to practice. The next day they preformed their show like normal, except for Frank who could not for the life of him stop thinking about that guitar. About a month later Frank couldn't take it anymore, they were all scarred, except for Ray of course, and the band, sadly had to break up, Matt and Mikey couldn't look at Frank or Ray with out thinking of that night, and Frank couldn't look at Ray with out thinking about it, and Gee felt like smashing a drum on Rays head. And with that, on march 22nd 2013 the band announced their break up, agreeing to never expose the truth about Rays sick fetish, or what he did to Frank.
-the end

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