Getting the Girl

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This is for @reggie94 hope you enjoy

Murphy's P.O.V.

I see Reggie standing by the fire talking to Jasper. She's so beautiful her eyes glimmer in the moonlight, her hair falls over her shoulders so beautifully- my thoughts are cut short by Bellamy.

"Murphy!" Bellamy says

"Uhh y-ya" I stutter

He follows my gaze over to Reggie, he smirks and looks over at me.

"You like Reggie" he states rather than it being a question.

I look down at my feet and bite my lip.

"Just go talk to her." Bellamy says

"Are you crazy, she doesn't want to talk to me" I exclaim

"Just g-"

Bellamy cuts himself off. I see him smirk and nod his head behind me, I turn around to see Reggie waking towards us. I turn back around and Bellamy is nowhere to be found.

"Hey Murphy" Reggie says

"Uhh hi" I say

"Do you know where Bellamy went?" she asks.

"No I don't, sorry." I say.

"Oh that's okay I'll just go look for him" she says.

She's about to walk away when I grab her arm.

"Reggie wait" I say

"Yes" she says.

"Y-You look beautiful tonight" I say. Dammit Murphy she probably thinks your a creep now.

"Th-Thanks" she says and looks down, if it wasn't for the bad lighting I would've sworn I seen her blush.

"Uhh you look good too" she says

"Thanks" I chuckle

I hear a crash and look over to see Jasper on the ground with moonshine all over him. I hear Reggie laugh, she has such a beautiful laugh.

She turns to look at me and says.

"Should we help him" she says between laughs.

"No it looks like Monty and Harper have it covered" I say as I point to Monty and Harper helping Jasper clean up.

"So What do you like to do for fun?" I ask.

"I usually like to go to the forest and chase glowing blue butterflies" she says

"Glowing blue butterflies" I say almost as if it's a question.

"Yup, what about you. What do you like to do for fun?" Reggie asks me

"I like to throw knives at trees" I say

"Oh that's really cool" she says

I look at her and she has the biggest smile on her face.

"Wait do you actually mean that?" I ask

"Ya, I mean it's not everyday that you meet someone who throws knives at trees for fun" she says with a smile

"Well it's not everyday you meet someone who like to chance glowing blue butterflies for fun" I say chuckling.

We stay there laughing for a while until we are interrupted.

"Hey Reggie come here!" Octavia yells

"Okay I'm coming" Reggie yells back

Man she's leaving already- wait am I feeling sad I might actually love her

"Hey I gotta go, but maybe we could throw knives at trees sometime" she says.

"Or we could chase butterflies" I say

"That would be amazing." She says

I'm about to walk away when I feel someone hug me. I look down and I see Reggie hugging me, I hug her back.

She pulls away and says bye.

I turn around and I see Bellamy standing there.

"Your welcome" is all he says

"Pffft you didn't help with anything I did that all on my own" I say confidently

"Ya ya whatever go get ready to chase butterflies" Bellamy says while laughing.

"Oh shut up" I say as I walk to my tent.

Best day ever I think to myself before I fall asleep

I hope you liked it Reggie don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share.

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