Graffiti and Late Nights (AO3 Bellarke Imagine)

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*This was written by bellamybabe on Archive Of Our Own it was so good that I just had to share it with you guys. I take no credit for this work all credit to bellamybabe*
If the writer does not want me to publish their work on Wattpad than please let me know and I will take it down right away.

It's really long. If you don't like long chapters feel free to skip this one

"Bell, look!" Octavia said excitedly, tugging on his sleeve and pointing. Bellamy stopped walking and looked over at the wall of the building in front of them. The entire surface was covered by a gigantic mural. It was a landscape piece, a dark forest at night, with bioluminescent flowers everywhere. There was so much detail that Bellamy had to stop himself from reaching forward to feel the glowing flower petals. In the bottom corner of the piece, there was a small tiara with the letters CG inscribed in one of the tiny jewels the artist's tag. The tag was familiar to them, because they regularly saw that artist's work around the city, and they'd both really admired them. The siblings stood there for a few moments, studying the mural, before Bellamy remembered the heavy grocery bags he had in his hands.

"Come on, Octavia. I think my arms are gonna fall off." He said, his voice slightly strained. She nodded, but took a picture of the wall with her phone, getting a close up of the signature. They walked to the car, Octavia babbling the whole time about what they'd just seen, and making quick work of uploading the pictures she'd taken; she had a special album on facebook for CG's artwork. Bellamy only half listened to her musings, giving nods and sounds of affirmation when needed as he loaded the bags into the car.

It wasn't that he wasn't as enraptured by the mural as she was, he was just less vocal about it. He'd probably get the pictures from Octavia's facebook profile later on and study them on his own after his sister had calmed down about it. He smiled inwardly at her passion; She was always loud and in your face about everything, never one to beat around the bush or mince words. If Octavia felt some kind of way about something, you knew it. Bellamy respected that about his sister, but was nonetheless the quiet, stoic type; always brooding and never discussing his feelings. It elicited a lot of eye rolls from Octavia and a lot of attention from women, as well as some men.

They got into the car and drove to their apartment, Bellamy carrying most of the food up, as usual. Octavia liked to pretend she helped, but in reality she mainly just took the bags light enough for a toddler to lift. After they'd brought everything up and put it away, Bellamy checked his watch and swore under his breath.

"Gotta go, O, or I'll be late for work." He said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't find too much trouble, now." She replied. It was what she always told him before he went to work, because Bellamy wasn't the only one who worried about his sibling. He smirked and gave a quick wave before exiting her apartment.

He'd made it to work with fifteen minutes to spare. He'd had to run in the locker room and throw on his clothes, just barely getting dressed before roll call. He jogged up to the command with his partner Miller, bristling at their patrol assignment for the evening. They'd been assigned to the Bedford Avenue Station in Williamsburg, hipster mecca. He hated doing patrols there because he had to be surrounded all night by entitled rich kids that had a penchant for sticking their noses high up in the air as they drunkenly asked for directions.

They walked the few blocks to the L Train station and hopped on a train to their assigned station, Bellamy grumbling the whole way, and Miller rolling his eyes at him. He was used to the slightly older man's grumbling by now, and took it in stride. They arrived at their post and positioned themselves where they had a good view of the station. Every now and then, they'd walk the perimeter, but there was really no need, as it was almost one in the morning on a Monday night and the station was nearly empty.

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