Lexa Kom Trikru Catch-up Chapter Part 1

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Nickname  for you-

Your Nickname for her-
Bad ass Queen

How you sleep-
She likes to protect you while you two sleep so she will have a protective arm wrapped around you and she will put her face in the crook of your neck.

How you met-
You met Lexa after you left the Ice Nation. You
committed treason and told Lexa that you wanted a coalition between Ice Nation and the other 11 clans. She was glad that you decided to do what was right, even if your mother didn't think so. Lexa let you stay with her in the tower this way you would be safe from your mother.

What she loves most about you-
She loves how your not afraid of anything. You keep your head up and you never back down from a fight.

What you love most about her-
You love how she can bring everyone together and make them put their differences aside and live in peace.

Where she likes to kiss you-
On your lips

Where you like to kiss her-
On her forehead.

Your best friends-
Anya and Indra (more like a mother figure but you two are still close)

Your nickname in her phone-

Her nickname in your phone-
My little warrior

Rough or gentle-

Who said "I love you" first-
She did

Who are you related to-
You are Roan's sister

How you turn her on-
You bite her neck (softly)

How she turns you on-
She runs her tongue along your neck

Height difference-
She is taller than you

Top or bottom-
She is on top

How she wakes you up-
She will run her hands up and down your sides until you wake up.

Where you have your first kiss-
You have your first kiss in her room right after she finished her fight with Roan. You were so scared that she was going to die, you had to make sure that she knew how you felt about her.

What she does that pisses you off-
Putting herself into danger. Even though you know that she can handle herself it still makes you mad at the fact that she could get hurt.

Your favourite thing she does-
You love it when she sticks up for you. Even though you are more than capable of handling yourself it makes you feel all warm inside when she does stick up for you.

You get sick-
When you get sick she makes sure that you are well rested and gives you all of the medicine that you need. She doesn't let you out of bed until you've gotten better.

You two rarely fight but when you do it's not pretty. You scream at each other, you will throw things around the room. You don't speak to each other for at least three days after a fight.

What she does when she gets jealous-
She will just pull you away and bring you somewhere where it's just you and her.

What kind of couple you are-
You guys are the perfect couple. Everyone loves you two together.

Her favourite feature on you-
She loves you hair. She loves the braids and she is amazed that you do them yourself.

Your favourite feature on her-
You love her smile. It makes you very happy whenever she smiles, she only ever smiles around you though.

Where she gives you hickeys-
On your collarbones

Hugs or kisses-

Who ships you guys-
Roan. Even though hes not happy that you betrayed the Ice Nation he is happy that you found love.

Pick up line Funny-
Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?

Pick up line Dirty-
Can I use your legs as earmuffs

Your Shawn Mendes Song-
Never Be Alone

Who you have a threesome with-
Octavia (I love the idea of a Lexa/Reader/Octavia concept, just me okay)

Your thoughts when you first see her-
You were very grateful that she was willing to help you. She was very different from the way that your mother had described her. You though that she was actually really nice and you couldn't understand why your mother would not want to join the coalition.

Her thoughts when she first sees you-
She thought that you were very strong and brave to come all the way to Polis. She liked the fact that you could admit when you are wrong and that you are not afraid to ask for help.

Who you think she cheats on you with-

Who she thinks you cheat on her with-

Habit of yours she loves-
She loves it when you unintentionally bite your lip. You don't even know your doing it you'll just be having a conservation with her and you will bite your lip.

Who she dated before you-

Who you dated before her-

Television show you guys binge watch together-
The Walking Dead

Item of hers you steal-
Sometimes you will steal her sword and "battle" her.

Who secretly likes you-

Three words she uses to describe you-
Confident,Loving, Sympathetic

Stan Twitter word/ phrase you use-
Sounds fake, but okay.

Your fear-
You are afraid of deep waters. You can't explain way maybe it's because there are unknown animals down there.

Vines you quote-
Hey, I'm lesbian. "I thought you were american" *Illuminati music*

Your crime-
You committed treason against the Ice Nation

Your favourite non-Disney princess movie-
Lady and the Tramp

Your Ariana Grande Song (Sweetener)-
raindrops (an angel cried)

Your One Direction Song from each album-
Up All Night-Save You Tonight

Take Me Home- She's Not Afraid

Midnight Memories- Alive

Four- Fireproof

Made in the A.M.- Wolves

Greek God you both represent-
Her: Apate
The goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps and marshes

You: Harmonia
The Greek goddess of harmony and concord

Hogwarts House that you both are in-
Her: Gryfindor

You: Ravenclaw

Youtuber you both watch-
Jenna Marbles

Type of youtube videos you both watch-
You guys watch Haul videos

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