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AU where Sophie isn't an Enhancer. Relationships in this include Tam and Biana, and Fitz and Linh.

Sophie watched Keefe as he painted the Panakes petals on the wall. He was deep in concentration, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he worked. She covered her mouth with her hand, hiding her smile. He noticed she was watching and looked up, smirking.

"Enjoy the show?"

She returned the smirk with her own. "What show? You're fully dressed."

"I can change that."

She raised an eyebrow, and he set the paintbrush down, taking his shirt off and resuming with painting. She sat on the chair next to him. He looked down at her and kissed her hand.

"It looks beautiful," she said as he touched up the last of the petals on the tree.

"Why thank you."

Sophie looked across the room, staring at the just as detailed painting of Silveny. He made the Alicorn look so realistic that Sophie half-expected her winged friend to pop out from the wall. There was space for one more painting left, and neither of them could decide what should go there. For obvious reasons, they wouldn't choose a Moonlark.

Keefe cleaned off the brush and lay it down again. He turned to Sophie, helping her up from the chair and kissing her on the forehead.

"You still don't have any ideas for the last wall?" Keefe asked her, wrapping his arms around her gently.

She shook her head and said "You?"


They stared at the wall, looking at it in different ways, as if it would help them figure it out.

"Oh well," Keefe said, "we'll think of something tomorrow." He brushed a hair away from Sophie's face. "You need your rest."

She scowled at him, but allowed him to lead her back to their bedroom, tucking her in and kissing her forehead.

She heard him walk out of the room just as she drifted off into sleep.


The next morning, Sophie walked into the room to see Keefe finishing a painting. She gasped as she realized what he'd made.

Each of their friends looked like human photographs. Somehow, he had captured the Vacker's eyes perfectly, and the bright brown of her own eyes. She could see the bright silver of Tam and Linh's hair, and to tie everything together, Calla's tree and Havenfield in the background.

"It's beautiful!" she said. She had barely given Keefe time to put the brush down as she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Yeah, it's pretty great," he said with a laugh.

"I can't wait till everyone else sees it. Grady and Edaline will love it . . ."


The blanket was a soft pale pink. Sophie held the small bundle in the crook of her arms, smiling down at the child.

Sophie and Keefe's daughter had bright, curly blonde hair like Keefe's, with eyes like Sophie's. Apparently, Alicorn genes were dominant. Now, Sophie and her daughter were the only two elves with brown eyes instead of blue.

"What do you think, Clarisa?" Keefe asked as the new elf took in her surroundings. Her eyes lit up as she seen Silveny, and she got excited as she seen the group painting, recognizing her parents perfectly.

"That's Mommy and Daddy!" she said proudly, pointing a finger towards the wall and smiling. 

"What are we, a bowl of ruckleberries?" Fitz says. The friends laughed. They were all gathered in Clarisa's room, welcoming the new child home.

"Quiet, Fitz, or I'll make sure your kid's first word is 'Keefe,'" Keefe said, pointing to Linh's growing stomach. She blushed and Fitz squeezed her hand, giving Keefe a playful glare.

Biana rolled her eyes, laughing. "Silly boys. Of course the kid's first word is going to be my name."

Everyone laughed again, and Sophie gave Clarisa to Keefe to hold. She would be able to walk very soon, but for now, they carried her. Keefe walked their daughter around the room, showing her all the pictures and telling her the stories about them. Sophie watched them out of the corner of her eye. She loved seeing Keefe's face light up as he talked to Clarisa, who was completely interested in the art, wanting to learn how to make it. Sophie figured Clarisa would be an artist, just like her father.

As the hours went by, the friends talked and talked, until they all left, leaving the Sencen family to themselves. By the time they did, it was time for Clarisa to go to bed for the first time. Sophie pulled the sheets back while Keefe layed their daughter down. He pulled the covers around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you, Clarisa," he said, hugging her small body.

"Love you, too," she said tiredly. Sophie kissed her forehead as well.

"And I love you," Sophie said. The new parents walked quietly to the door. The room didn't have wall to wall windows like Sophie's room did at Havenfield. Instead, the ceiling was made of skylights, leaving an open spot in the middle for the light. The moonlight cast a silver glow over everything in the room, making it seem almost magical. The two walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. They made their way to their own room, and Sophie laid down on the soft bed, her body and self exhausted. Keefe laid beside her, pulling her close.

"You did great, Soph."

She smiled, and he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"But," he continued. "I wasn't that surprised. You're amazing all the time. And, might I say, you're very strong."

"Keefe," she said, laughing softly.

"And thankfully, I'm yours." He kissed her and she curled up to him, resting her head on his chest. As she drifted into a perfect sleep, she could hear him say something softly. It took her a minute to understand it, but she made it out to be "I'm yours."


First of all, I love this song! Second of all, this was a pretty fun chapter to write. Next to the video, there's a picture Shannon posted on her Instagram! I love the art style. It's by Laura Hollingsworth, though, for the story, it's supposed to be Keefe's painting :) 

Oh yeah, and there's a reason I chose the name Clarisa. It means "bright," "shining," and "gentle," which connects with Keefe's, which means "noble," "gentle," "handsome," and "loved," as well as Sophie's which means "wisdom." Just like Shannon, I put a lot of thought into the names. :)

Enjoy, ~Kirs. 

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