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Disappointed by someone or something previously respected or admired; disillusioned.


The street was quiet, and nearly empty. The only light there was coming from the dull, yellow streetlamps above Sophie's head.

She thought of herself as rather pathetic in this moment. Here she was, feeling empty inside for a reason she knew, but tried to ignore, because to her, it was just so stupid. She shoved her hands into the pocket of her old oversized hoodie, shivering a bit as the cool night breeze blew across her face.

Sophie knew she shouldn't even be in the Forbidden Cities, yet she defied the rules, and chose to come to California and walk through her old neighborhood in San Diego. The elf knew about the repercussions this action would result in, but she just didn't care anymore. Let her be banished.

She couldn't believe she'd been betrayed. Her heart had been ripped out and stomped on, left on the cold, hard ground. Today she learned that even the nice, happy people could be deceitful.

How could he lead her on? How could he just lure her in with gifts, and kindness, only to not mean any of those things anyway? It made Sophie absolutely sick.

She went from loving Fitz to only having pure hatred for him.


Sophie turned around, hearing that familiar nickname. Her eyes were greeted with Keefe. His hair was messier than usual, like he'd been running his fingers through it constantly, which he probably had been doing once he noticed Sophie had left the Lost Cities.

"I don't want to talk," Sophie snapped, pulling her hood up. "And before you say anything, I'm not going back to Lost Cities. Not ever." She started to walk away from him.

"That seems a bit drastic, doesn't it?" Keefe softly inquired, walking behind, though leaving space between them.

"You know what Fitz did, Keefe!"

"I do. But I also know you, Sophie...and this isn't like you. You never let these kinds of things get you down."

At the sound of her real first name, Sophie stopped in her tracks and looked at him. He hardly used her first name, but when he did, he was serious, and typically concerned. She took a deep breath, head down. "I guess you don't know me then..."

"Sophie." Keefe gently grabbed her arm, as she was starting to turn away from him again. "Please, you can't let what happened with Fitz break you. He's just some stupid Elvin boy who knew he was doing something wrong, but never stopped himself. He's an idiot."

"You're an Elvin boy too. How am I supposed to believe you?" Sophie snapped again.

"You've got me there," Keefe admitted. "And as much as I want you to, you don't have to trust me, not now, and even not ever again. I understand that you're not really trustful after what happened, and I won't force anything on you."

Looking a bit surprised, Sophie attempted to regain her cold composure. It didn't work, and instead, a few tears streamed down her face.

Hesitantly, Keefe let go of her arm, and offered her a handkerchief, which she took and and wiped her face gently with the soft fabric. She didn't thank him, like she normally would, and he noticed but didn't mention it.

The two of them stood in the middle of the street in almost complete silence, the only sounds being Sophie attempting to stifle her crying and sniffles. When she finally felt the tears stop, she shoved the handkerchief into her pocket, knowing Keefe probably wouldn't want it back anyway.

"I should probably go..." Keefe said, quietly. He looked up at the same time Sophie did, their eyes locking. Neither of them tried to break the eye contact, and it was almost like a silent challenge to look away.

"You should..." Sophie murmured now, agreeing.

Keefe nodded only slightly. He broke their eye contact, turning around and starting to walk away to an even more secluded space just in case he was caught light leaping. However, before he was too far away, he turned around, giving Sophie a look that seemed to mean a million things all at once. 

And then, he turned back forward, walking away from Sophie. The girl he wanted to help, to care for. The girl he had always loved, but backed off for his best friend's sake once he learned of Fitz's crush on her. The same girl he was now walking away from rather than helping through this, because, in the end, he didn't care about his own wants and emotions. No, Sophie would always come first, and even though it sometimes left him hurt in the end, he knew it was the best decision.


This was loosely based off of "Disenchanted" by My Chemical Romance, which is one of my favorite bands. I hope you all enjoyed.

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