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Loosely based on "Helpless" from Hamilton.


She had never felt so helpless.

Here, lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Yes, helpless was what she felt right now.

She was given strict bedrest.

Don't get up.

Try to refrain from quick movements.

She knew it was for her own good, but she couldn't help but feel restless. Everyone else was fighting hard, while she was stuck inside. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound.

Could she ever make a sound?

Until it was that of a sound that broke the prison of silence.

Knock, knock.

She stayed quiet. She couldn't make a sound. She would never make a sound.

The door slowly opened, and a tall, blonde boy appeared. His ice blue eyes seemed to pierce into her, though they held kindness and concern. Cautiously, he stepped towards her bed.

"How's prison?" he tried to joke, to lighten the mood. But little did he know that this was her prison.

She closed her eyes. She could hear the boy sit on the edge of her bed, felt the mattress bend with his weight.

"You're our battle cry, did you know that?" he laughed bitterly, then said, "of course you didn't. Because of them, you're stuck in here."

Slowly, she nodded.

"Every time we go into battle," he continued, "we all say, 'For Sophie!'" He tried to smile at her.

She closed her eyes again, her hands curling to grip the mattress. Oh how she wanted to be out in the battle, to make their enemies pay for what they did to her. She opened her eyes as she felt soft fingertips brush strands of hair away from her face.

"I know, it sucks. The bedrest, this whole situation. But it won't stop anything. It just makes things . . . change. You're always going to be the same Foster I've known."

She stared at him for a moment, then slowly reached a feeble hand out, pointing at the little notepad and pen on her nightstand. He turned and picked the items up, handing it to her. She took the pen in her hand, shakily writing a few words. She handed the notepad to him, and he read what it said.

I feel so helpless.

The words made his heart sting. He knew she felt this way, but it was another thing to actual read it coming straight from her.

"When you get out of here," he started, gently taking her hand in his, "I swear as long as I'm alive you'll never feel so helpless."

The girl felt tears trickle down her cheek, and the boy caught them with his fingertips.

Thanks to the Neverseen, Sophie Foster would never say another word. But this boy in front of her seemed to rip through her silence, pulling everything she wanted to say, everything she felt, and bringing it out and into the open.

He could understand her, could understand all of her unspoken words. And now, this boy made a promise some would call reckless. He promised this girl something that meant so much to her, that proved just how much he loved her.

Keefe Sencen swore as long as he was alive, she would never feel so helpless.

And he fully intended to carry out that promise.


This came from almost no where. I've been listening to a lot of musicals lately and I was thinking of "Helpless" from Hamilton, and one line really stuck with me. The line was:

"And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God you'll never feel so... helpless."

And I was thinking of that growl of his voice and just the whole meaning behind this line and suddenly I started to quickly type this little oneshot.

Q. How long have you been into KOTLC?

A. About 4 years.

Enjoy, ~Kirs.

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