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"Sooo...what exactly are we doing?" Keefe questioned, looking over at Sophie, who was typing something quickly on her iPod Touch.

"We're going to watch a movie," she answered, rather happily.

"A movie...what's that...?"

"It's...well, you're going to just have to wait and're going to love it." Sophie flashed him his own Keefe Sencen signature smirk, leaning back a bit to rest her head on her headboard.

Keefe rolled his eyes, coming over and sitting closely beside her on the the bed. He was careful not to tip the plate full of mallowmelt over as he did so.

Propped up by a few books and a pillow, the screen on Sophie's iPod starting playing the opening to Aladdin. She quickly unraveled her earbuds, offering one to Keefe. He hesitantly took it, and upon her instructions, he accidentally not-so-gently shoved it in his ear causing Sophie to laugh when he yelped quietly. Afterwards, when they both settled down, Sophie pulled a soft, warm blanket over them, resting her head on Keefe's shoulder.

As the movie went on, Sophie would occasionally look away from the screen to see Keefe's reactions. His eyes would go from amazement, to surprise, to even a bit of sadness. And, he would laugh or make a funny comment nearly every time the Genie appeared on screen.

And this...this was how their post-Neverseen lives went. Without the stress of an impending war on their minds and bodies, they were free to have these undisturbed moments, where they could just relax and enjoy each other's company without worrying.

About halfway through the movie, Sophie felt a warm weight on the top of her head. Her eyes shifted upwards and her gaze rested on the sight of a sleeping Keefe, some of his hair falling over his eyes. In his sleep, he was much more peaceful and relaxed, and even Sophie had to admit that the sounds of his soft, steady snores were rather calming, almost reassuring in some way.

Despite the small pain forming in the side of her neck from tilting it for so long, Sophie didn't move in case it would wake Keefe. And when the movie was finished, she carefully reached her arm out and shut her iPod off, slowly shifting just a bit to set it down on the nightstand. This move caused most of Keefe's body to shift on her, making her groan very quietly from all the weight now on her.

She carefully shifted once more, laying down and sighing contently once her head rested on her soft pillow rather than Keefe's shoulder.

Keefe moved a bit in his sleep, arms reaching out and gently wrapping around Sophie's waist, causing her to freeze slightly from the sudden contact. She soon relaxed, however, and curled into him, drifting off into a deep sleep, her dreams filled with alicorns, genies, and a certain blond-haired boy.


It's been a while since I've written fluff for these guys, hasn't it? I don't know why, but angst is always so much fun for them. (It's also been a while since I've written in here, and with a straight couple. I almost used the wrong pronouns a few times oof) And yes, I know, this is short.

And remember when I did questions? Well, I kinda forgot about them, but here's one now.

Q. Have you ever watched any anime? If so, what's your favorite?

A. Yuri!!! On Ice is my favorite! I also love Your Lie In April. I highly recommend both of them.


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