The Light Of His Life

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About Keefe, Sophie, and their daughter Clarisa. (Title is pun on the fact that Clarisa and Keefe meaning shining).

Song: "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw. 

(Sequel to "Yours").

"Keep your hand steady now. Hold the brush like a pencil and make gentle strokes with the brush. That's it. You got this, Clare."

Keefe smiled as his daughter carefully painted a few lines on the canvas in front of her. Ever since she had been born, Clarisa had been fascinated with art. She told her parents how she wanted to learn to make art like her dad.

Keefe's smile turned into a grin as Clarisa turned to look at him. Her beautiful brown eyes were flecked with gold, just like her mother's. She stared at Keefe with those eyes, and the look made him melt. He carefully took the brush out of her hand and set it down.

"Let's look at this masterpiece." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they stared at the painting. She had attempted to paint the big ball of fur that was Iggy. The imp was still going strong, and still got his fur dyed to this day. Now, he was neon green fluffball. 

"This looks great, Clare. Wanna go show Mom?"


Keefe picked up the little girl and had her sit on his shoulders, showing her to keep the still-wet painted side up and away from his "precious" hair.

"We're flying!" Clarisa giggled. "Like Silveny!"

"Yup, just like Silveny." He twirled down the hall and walked her down the steps, then twirled again until the two were dizzy and giggling.

"What are you guys up to? Sophie asked, laughing as they stopped in front of her.

"Well, Soph, Clary here made a beautiful painting. Show Mom, sunshine." Keefe set her down gently and Clarisa thrust the painting into Sophie's hands.

"Iggy!" Sophie said, grinning at the bright green ball of fluff.

"Iggy," Clarisa agreed.

"This is great, Clary. I'll hang it up." Sophie and Clarisa left the room to find something to hang the art up with.

Keefe plopped down on one of  the plush couches they had in their living room. When Keefe learned he would be a father, he had vowed to himself that he would be the best one ever. Or, at least, better than his own. He wanted to be the kindess person he could be to his daughter. He wanted to make her laugh with the jokes he was so good at telling. He wanted to play with her when he could, and care for her the way his own parents never did.

Sophie and Clary came back into the room, and Keefe broke out into a grin.

"There's my girls," he said as Sophie fell back next to him on the couch. Clarisa joined them, curling up to Keefe's chest as she made herself comfortably in between them. "What did you do witht he painting?" he asked Sophie.

"We put it in the entry hall," she replied, smiling and leaning over Clary to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey, you never put my art in the entry hall!" he said teasingly, getting their daughter to giggle.

"We can put yours next to mine," Clary said.

"Aw, we don't have to do that, sunshine. We need to save space for yours."

"Besides," Sophie said, "your drawings are much cooler."

Keefe gave her a sideways glance. 'True, but Team Foster-Keefe will always be cooler."

Sophie matched his smirk and kissed him on the lips this time, snuggling closer to him and Clary.

They sat there like that, cuddling and enjoy each other's company. Later, they got up, ate dinner, and soon, it was Clarisa's bedtime.

"I'm not even tired!" Sophie and Keefe's daugthter argued.

"Uh-huh. You still need sleep, sunshine."

"Dad," she whined.

"Clary," he imitated her and smiled as he picked her up, bridal style, and carried the giggling girl up the steps to her room. Sophie followed behind them, laughing as they walked. She pushed open Clarisa's door for Keefe and he laid their daughter on the large bed.

"I want a story!" Clary said to her parents.

The couple exchanged a glance, then Keefe said. "Well, Clary, have I ever told you about The Great Gulon Incident?"


A short, yet sweet story of Sophie, Keefe, and Clarisa, a.k.a. Clary. Who knows, maybe I'll make a full story on them. For now, though, I hope y'all like this.

(Also, the "Team Foster-Keefe will always be cooler part" is a quote from the books).

Enjoy, ~Kirs. 

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