Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Seventy-Eight


I woke up just before the alarm was due to go off. Bella was still in my arms, curled up with her head on my chest. We were so close together that you couldn't tell where I ended and she began. I brushed her hair from her face, looking at how she was peacefully sleeping. She mumbled, kissing my chest. "Bells, wake up," I said, caressing her cheek.

"Don't wanna," she said, snuggling closer. "You are the best pillow."

"Just so you know that you're sleeping on me," I asked, chuckling quietly. "Without a shirt?"

Her eyes opened almost comically, looking down at her chest. "Shit." She looked back up at me, biting her lip. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I've got a half-naked, beautiful girl in my arms," I quipped. She scowled at me. "Come on, Bella. I've seen it before."

"Close your eyes, Edward," she said. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I shut my eyes and I felt her body leave mine. When the door to the bathroom closed, I reopened them. I was a little pissed off at Bella's reaction. Sighing, I got up from the bedand got dressed, putting a hat on my head. I'd let her cool off while I got breakfast from the resort. Ordering from the restaurant, I asked for the food to be wrapped up and then went back to the suite. When I got back, Bella was dressed in a pair of shorts, a tank top and short-sleeved Cubs jersey.

"I got breakfast," I said coldly, tossing it onto the table and went into the bathroom to get ready myself. I stripped out of my clothes, showering quickly and trying to keep my anger at bay. I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a Cubs t-shirt. Tossing in my contacts, I decided to not shave since I was still pretty sunburnt from yesterday. The mere thought of shaving made my red face cringe in pain. Once I got my temper under control, I walked out into the suite. Bella was sitting on the couch and her face was red with tears.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I suck."

"Right now, you do," I said, picking up my wallet, cell phone and tickets to the game we were going to today. "I know that..." I stopped talking. "I'm not saying anything. If I say something, then it'll just make it worse. We've got to go. Opening pitch in an hour and the field is twenty minutes from here."

"You hate me," she muttered.

"I don't hate you, Bells. I just don't like you right now. Do you want to go or not?" I asked.

She nodded, getting up from the couch. She grabbed her camera and baseball cap. She tugged her hair through the cap and we went down to the car. The ride was fairly uncomfortable. Parking in the lot, we walked to the entrance and were granted access with our tickets. "Why don't you go to the seats? I'm going to get something to eat since I didn't eat breakfast," I said, my anger still bubbling beneath the surface.

"Kay," she muttered, walking away from dejectedly as I went to one of the vendors. I ordered a hot dog and large beer. Scarfingdown the hot dog and downing the beer, I went to get another drink. I carried that with me to the seats, sitting down next to Bella. She was quiet, her brown eyes swimming in tears. Before the end of the first inning, I had finished my second beer and was on my third. "Are you going to be okay to drive?" she asked, looking at my beer.

"Prolly not," I slurred, giving her the keys.

"Edward, this isn't like you," she frowned. "I know I fucked up..."

"Shhhh, watch the game," I hissed, pointing to the field. She huffed out a breath and turned back to the game. We watched the Cubs get pummeled by the Diamondbacks. I was completely hammered, grumbling at the Cubs loss. Bella had to drag me out to the car. I was frustrated at the Cub's loss and Bella's behavior towards me. I had been a great friend, anamazing fuck buddy.

You were never fuck buddies.

In the car, I was singing loudly to the obnoxious rap song. Bella just let me act like a moron. I was too drunk to really care. Back at the resort, Bella took my hand and led me to the suite. "Come on, Edward. You're hammered and you need to sleep this off," she said sadly.

"Now you care about me?" I scoffed. "Whatever, Bella."

She flinched. "I've always cared about you, Edward," she whispered inaudibly.

"You haven't cared about my feelings since we ended our arrangement," I sneered. "I'll never be good enough for you, Bella. I am willing to give you everything, but you push and push and push me away. Do you know how much that hurts? All I want is you! Why won't I be good enough for you? Am I unlovable? Disgusting? Compared to your ex-boyfriends, I'm a fucking prince. I actually shower. I have a great job. I care about you. I respect you. Why am I not good enough for you?" As I ranted and raved, my voice grew louder and my blood pressure was soaring.

"Edward," she said, pulling me toward the suite, shoving me into the room.

"Answer me," I growled, glaring at her angrily. "I, at least, deserve a fucking answer, Bella. Why won't you even consider having a relationship with me? I'm not like those other douchebags."

She pounded her fist on the table, letting out a guttural scream. "You want to know why I pushed you away?"

"Yes, Bella. Enlighten me," I snapped.

"You're too good for me, Edward. That's why! I'm not good enough for you. I'm worthless, only good for a good fuck and, and...just not good enough!" she sobbed, turning on her heel and leaving me in the suite, slamming the door shut.

What did I do?

A/N: What will happen? Leave your guesses, folks. And some loving, too! ;-)

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