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Dave's p.o.v.:

The students around me in my Economics class were starting to put away their binders. The teacher sighed and ended the lesson, knowing that there was no way in getting their attention back. The sounds of papers ruffling and being stuffed into their bags were cutting into the air, making me wince. I pushed my thumb against the earbud that is in my ear, trying to make the sound any louder. ACDC was blaring, and I slid my folder into my backpack perfectly. 

I felt my desk shake as it was being hit on. I grunted and looked up to see Eridan stooping over me. "Hey Strider." He said. His scarf was hanging over his shoulder and his eyes seemed to look even more cutting. I swear, if he wore eyeliner he might cut stone. 

"Howd-" I was about to say but clenched my fist and smirked a little with cringe. "Hey." 

"What was that?" Eridan leaned down and his face was near mine. I could smell Bath & Bodyworks cologne lingering on his neck. "Wwere you about to say... howdy?"

I zipped my backpack up and threw it on my desk, making him jolt. I stood up, turned away from him, and slid my arm into the straps. Before I could turn back around and say a clever remark, I felt his cold skin grab my wrist and twist it. My teeth bit down on my tongue until I heard tearing and the taste of metal. 

"You are facing away from me 'cuz you are scared?" Eridan chuckled in my ear. My blood ran cold. 

"Fuck off." I mumbled.

His grip tightened around my wrist and he twisted it around my back, making my shoulder pull and my eyes to squeeze shut. Everyone else in the class were too preoccupied in their conversations to even notice.  

"Hmm?" Eridan pulled it tighter and I refrained from screeching. His nails scratched my ear as he took my earbud out and put it into his. I shuttered, knowing that the moment his skin came in contact with my earbud, I am probably never going to use it again. He is so horrible.

ACDC was still playing and he curved around the desk to face me. His head was bobbing to the music and his eyes were still sinister. Then he make the rock symbol with his hand and tore my wire in half. The music was still playing in the earbud that was in my ear, but the other wire sizzled as the electric currents were still being sent through. My eyes widened in disgust and horror as he twirled the wire between his index finger and thumb. Then, he did something so fucking terrible. It all happened in seconds, and Back in Black was still pounding in my ear as it all happened. I watched his hands as he took the lid off of my metal water bottle. 

"Hey, can me and Dave go refill his water bottle?" Eridan asked the teacher. The teacher nodded and waved him off. Eridan grabbed my wrist and smiled around casually. He took me out of the class and into the cold and empty hallway. 

"Eridan, what are you doing-"I tried to say, but he threw the lid of my water bottle on the ground, the sound echoing in the hallway. I winced as his hand slammed me against the wall and his other hand stuck the broken and sparking wire into the water bottle. His grip held onto the bottle by it's rubber handle firmly, while he concentrated. 

"Nothing like a little magic conductivity, my friend." He said. With the armature magic abilities he has, he made the electric current 5 times stronger, sending bolts and sparks licking the surface of the metal bottle. 

It was so painful. I screamed. He had his hand over my mouth. Sparks came through the earbud that was in my ear, making the song croak and glitch. His other hand forced mine onto the surface of the bottle. I had bolts of energy surging through my ear and through my arm. The sparks made my cheeks shake and my elbow's nerves to twitch violently. I tried to cry out, but my throat was locked in place. I was shaking everywhere. My eyes rolled back and saliva was pouring out of my mouth, I was reversed 13 years. It was like I was a 4-year-old wanted to cry out for a mom. 

The last thing I saw was Eridan's toothy grin and sickening laugh. 


Karkat's p.o.v.:

Strange sounds were emitting through the hallway. I heard weird-ass grunts, some screeching. Then I heard something behind slid on the floor and a door close twice. 

"Um.. hello?" I said cautiously. I gripped onto my jeans nervously as I rounded the corner. My eyes widened. No one was there. "Um... are you okay?" I asked aimlessly, looking around door windows. When I reached the janitor's closet, my heart dropped. I threw the door open and shut it behind me. My blood was spiked and I searched around for something to cover the window up with. I found duck tape and covered the window with it. I grabbed a clean towel and went to the industrial sink. I soaked it in cold water and ringed it out. 

I looked down at the unconscious human, his forehead sweating and his chin pouring saliva and blood. I knelled down next to him and looked at his pale skin, and his blonde hair tangled up. He had bruises on his neck, his legs. His arms were scratched from struggle and his lip was bleeding.  My blood ran cold when I watched his eyelids twitching slightly and his fingers twitching too.  He has been shocked. 

"Oh gog, oh fuck." I hissed under my breath and threw the towel over his forehead. I gritted my teeth as I picked him up bridal style. My legs stumbled as I walked, and occasionally would collapse, making his body fall on me but I would make sure I broke his fall. My face heated up each time his shirt would lift up a little and my hand would come in contact with his skin. I sighed and set him down in the middle of the hallway, grabbing the towel and wiping the blood off of his face and turning it over to a clean side so it can be on his forehead again. 

I continued to carry him until my shoe hit water and I looked down. I saw a broken earbud wire and a pouring out water bottle on the ground. I grimaced and looked at the time. Seeing as the bell is about to ring in three minutes, I started to walk faster with him in my arms, shaking slightly. His peaceful face would occasionally twitch in pain, making my chest tight. 

I finally reached the nurse's office and the nurse looked horrified when she saw how he looked. I set him down on the bed and explained how I found him and what my predictions are. That is when his eyes started to flutter open. 

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now