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Dave's p.o.v.

My body felt sticky and sweaty, under immense heat. My stomach felt numb and my brain felt light. My eyes drifted open, and I immediately wanted to close them again. There was a warm light, and the room I was in was dark. I had a blanket on me and a cup of tea on a coffee table. The cup was purple and it's material was thick and glossy.

My eyes opened a little more and I looked around. The blanket on me was black, and the couch I was on was purple also. By the crazy amount of purple furniture, I am in a troll hive. I stare at the TV that is off, and recognize it's edges. Karkat's Hive?

Everything hit me.

My bro, I was fighting him... And he cut my stomach... Karkat knocked him out. Last thing I remember is Karkat telling me to stay awake, I guess I didn't. ...but then... Oh, that's right. I woke up in a car on my way somewhere after the hospital treated me... Im guessing... And then-

Oh god the questions. The interrogation was hell.

An investigator asked me so many questions and told me to show her my scars from him. It was emotional and brutally drawn out. I forget if there will be a trial. Maybe Karkat will tell me. Why do I feel so hazy? It's like I've been in a coma.

Soft footsteps came up to me and a black sweater and gray jeans loomed over me. Karkat's hand went under the blanket and was lifting up my shirt when I gasped.

He backed away, and I got a clearer view of him. He looked aged. The dark circles under his eyes looked darker than usual, his face gaunt and darkened. His eyes were wide, staring at me like an entrancing parade.

"I-I'm sorry." He said, his voice raspy from not talking in a while. "I was just checking your cut.."

I nodded my head slowly.

"Uh- do you want some tea?" He asked, scurrying to the coffee table. I nodded again and he picked up the mug, putting it to my lips. I drank it and savored the warm feeling of it swimming down my throat.

I looked at him. "What happened after they asked me questions?"

"Well, they already have a shit ton of evidence, but they might hold a trail anyways. I saw him get handcuffed up, don't worry. And after the questioning, I was driving you over to my hive in your car and you passed out from either the pain, stress, or both." Karkat sat down beside me on the couch and looked down. He was laughing lightly and his fingers were running through his hair. "I guess they gave you a little too much painkillers. You were out."

I chuckled a little too. "Man, they work well because I dont feel a thing." I lifted up my shirt, and my laughing stopped when I saw my stitched up gash. The cut was deeper than I thought; it looked inhuman. I touched it with my fingers and pain snapped my skin. "Fuck. Nevermind."

Karkat pushed the fabric of my shirt back down, concealing it. "I let it air out as you slept, but since you will be moving around again I need to put the bandage over it." He got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen where he opened up a bag. I'm guessing the hospital gave us it so we can maintain my cut and make sure it doesn't get infected. He walked back over with a rectangle shaped cloth with tape around the edges. He put it on my stomach slowly, making sure not to graze my aching skin.

He pulled back and looked at it, making sure it was on correctly, and put my shirt back down. "There." He said mostly to himself and sat back on the couch. We sat there for a while, thinking of something to say.

"Since tomorrow's Friday, they are going to let you go there to take your tests and then we will go straight back to the police station. They want you there a bit more to ask you more questions, especially when you are audible." Karkat told me a little too fast.

It took me a moment to break down what he said, then I cocked my head. "What do you mean by audible? Wasn't I heard clearly?"

"Well, you were waist deep in pain killers, and when you attempted to lift your shirt for them, you were too tired to. You kept on mumbling and shit too." I laughed and he continued. "They decided to cut it short and continue it tomorrow. Tonight they are planning on asking your bro questions."

I shivered. "Geez, it's hard to guess what he would say to them."

Karkat nodded, and held my hand under the covers. "Hopefully the truth. You are living, and breathing evidence that he is guilty, lying would only make him look more like a fool. Plus, I am a witness."

"You sound like Terezi whenever you say detective words." I snickered and poked his hand.

"What the fuck does that mean?" He laughed, nudging me.

I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows. "Words like, 'witness', 'evidence', 'trail', 'guilty', 'lying will only make him look more like a fool'." I unconsciously giggled, "You sound like you are on some dramatic FBI show."

"Your IQ is really dwindling, ass-crack. If you know what shit you are in, then you know those words apply here. They are going to be said one way or another, whether you like it or not. Maybe you should expand your fucking bantam vocabulary and- oh my gog I sound like Kankri." Karkat facepalmed himself and groaned in frustration, only making me laugh more. Pain started to sizzle on my stomach and Karkat looked over to me, grabbing my arm. "Stop laughing, you idiot! You're going to bleed out again!"

I ceased my laughter and bit my lip, trying to make sure I don't laugh again. I couldn't help but smile though. Karkat looked at my cheesy expression and his panic subsided.

"I'm going to be okay..." I said to him, mostly as a question.

He nodded his head, his hand in mine. "You are going to be okay."

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now